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"Nearly 4 in 10 white Americans have zero non-white friends"

MissBarbara · 1841

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Sometimes I post articles from other sources because I find them interesting or insightful. Sometimes I post them because they say something I agree with. Sometimes I post them because I think they might engender an interesting discussion on the board.

And sometimes I post them because they are so aggressively stupid I want to share a laugh with others.

This is one of those instances:

Nearly 4 in 10 white Americans have zero non-white friends

A new poll shows that we still live in a very racially segregated country

By Keith Wagstaff | August 8, 2013

How "post-racial" is America? Not very, according to an ongoing Reuters poll, which shows that nearly 40 percent of white Americans are surrounded exclusively by friends who are also white Americans.
Accounting for coworkers along with friends and relatives, the poll found that 30 percent of Americans overall aren't mixing with people of other races.
That could partly explain the racial divide on issues like the George Zimmerman trial. After he was found not guilty of murdering unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, a Pew Research Center poll found that 86 percent of African-Americans expressed dissatisfaction with the verdict, compared to just 30 percent of whites.
The same poll found that 78 percent of blacks said that the case should spur a conversation about race. Only 28 percent of whites agreed, with 60 percent of them saying that the issue of race was getting too much attention.

A recent study by the American Sociological Review found that while America's neighborhoods are more diverse than ever, most of the people moving to those diverse neighborhoods haven't been white and black families. The Reuters poll backed that finding, noting that Latinos were the most likely to have friends and marry outside of their own race.
"There has been some progress, but whites and blacks in particular still tend to live in separate neighborhoods," Camille Zubrinsky Charles, a professor of sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, told NBC News.
While American might look like a divided country now, the poll did contain hopeful signs for the future.
Only 10 percent of Americans under 30 years old reported having no friends, coworkers, or family outside of their race — half the rate for the country as a whole.

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Offline Lois

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Reply #1 on: August 10, 2013, 06:31:35 PM

But the why's are not fully investigated.

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Reply #2 on: August 10, 2013, 06:37:44 PM


But the why's are not fully investigated.

Exactly. It might have been interesting, but since the why's are not investigated, it's pointless and, well, stupid.

That's clear from the opening lines: "How "post-racial" is America? Not very, according to an ongoing Reuters poll..."

Anyone who believes that America is "post-racial" is either a moron, or has their head completely buried in the sand.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #3 on: August 10, 2013, 06:47:44 PM
I'm not particularly shocked by these findings. Birds of a feather flock together. I have many African American coworkers and I can't think of any I don't get along with. However, I only hang out outside of work with one. One thing I like so much about my buddy Luke is that we don't talk shop. We are boxing fans and have other things in common. So we go to Hooter's and watch boxing matches and eat wings. We have also taken in some local amateur bouts. We have not really ever hung out for the sake of it. There has always been a reason.

I'm not opposed to visiting with friends of other races at all. It just has never come up. I remember when I was much younger and in college I would get invited to parties that had predominantly Black guests. I had no issues, but I did notice that they have a different way about them. I was not in tune to their culture. The style of music was not what I was into. I am a very gregarious person and I had no trouble fitting in. I don't really know what it was that has kept me from not being more diverse in my choice of friends. Its certainly not their skin color. Besides it is women that I would be more interested in perusing at a party and we all know that they are all PINK in the middle. God, I know that sounds sexest but fuck it. My buddy Luke and I have come to that conclusion.  :D

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Reply #4 on: August 10, 2013, 06:51:49 PM
I happen to have lots of friends!!!
They are "Bay", "Chestnut", "Black", "Grey".
Never mind, those are horse's, you aren't talking about horse's are you?
In all honestly, I have had and do have several friends that are non-white (I hate that title). I never gave race much thought, only actions of the person.


Online MissBarbara

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Reply #5 on: August 10, 2013, 06:52:18 PM

I'm not particularly shocked by these findings. Birds of a feather flock together. I have many African American coworkers and I can't think of any I don't get along with. However, I only hang out outside of work with one. One thing I like so much about my buddy Luke is that we don't talk shop. We are boxing fans and have other things in common. So we go to Hooter's and watch boxing matches and eat wings. We have also taken in some local amateur bouts. We have not really ever hung out for the sake of it. There has always been a reason.

I'm not opposed to visiting with friends of other races at all. It just has never come up. I remember when I was much younger and in college I would get invited to parties that had predominantly Black guests. I had no issues, but I did notice that they have a different way about them. I was not in tune to their culture. The style of music was not what I was into. I am a very gregarious person and I had no trouble fitting in. I don't really know what it was that has kept me from not being more diverse in my choice of friends. Its certainly not their skin color. Besides it is women that I would be more interested in perusing at a party and we all know that they are all PINK in the middle. God, I know that sounds sexest but fuck it. My buddy Luke and I have come to that conclusion.  :D

Janus, I'm just guessing here, but I suspect you do things outside of work with that guy because you have fun doing so, because you're buds, or because you share common interests, or whatever.

In other words, the fact that he's black is completely beside the point, and not even a factor.

And that's the point.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #6 on: August 10, 2013, 06:55:56 PM

I'm not particularly shocked by these findings. Birds of a feather flock together. I have many African American coworkers and I can't think of any I don't get along with. However, I only hang out outside of work with one. One thing I like so much about my buddy Luke is that we don't talk shop. We are boxing fans and have other things in common. So we go to Hooter's and watch boxing matches and eat wings. We have also taken in some local amateur bouts. We have not really ever hung out for the sake of it. There has always been a reason.

I'm not opposed to visiting with friends of other races at all. It just has never come up. I remember when I was much younger and in college I would get invited to parties that had predominantly Black guests. I had no issues, but I did notice that they have a different way about them. I was not in tune to their culture. The style of music was not what I was into. I am a very gregarious person and I had no trouble fitting in. I don't really know what it was that has kept me from not being more diverse in my choice of friends. Its certainly not their skin color. Besides it is women that I would be more interested in perusing at a party and we all know that they are all PINK in the middle. God, I know that sounds sexest but fuck it. My buddy Luke and I have come to that conclusion.  :D

Janus, I'm just guessing here, but I suspect you do things outside of work with that guy because you have fun doing so, because you're buds, or because you share common interests, or whatever.

In other words, the fact that he's black is completely beside the point, and not even a factor.

And that's the point.

Precisely my dear Barbara. Smoochie......Gotta go to work. have A great day.  ;D

Offline Elizabeth

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Reply #7 on: August 10, 2013, 06:58:53 PM

I'm not particularly shocked by these findings. Birds of a feather flock together. I have many African American coworkers and I can't think of any I don't get along with. However, I only hang out outside of work with one. One thing I like so much about my buddy Luke is that we don't talk shop. We are boxing fans and have other things in common. So we go to Hooter's and watch boxing matches and eat wings. We have also taken in some local amateur bouts. We have not really ever hung out for the sake of it. There has always been a reason.

I'm not opposed to visiting with friends of other races at all. It just has never come up. I remember when I was much younger and in college I would get invited to parties that had predominantly Black guests. I had no issues, but I did notice that they have a different way about them. I was not in tune to their culture. The style of music was not what I was into. I am a very gregarious person and I had no trouble fitting in. I don't really know what it was that has kept me from not being more diverse in my choice of friends. Its certainly not their skin color. Besides it is women that I would be more interested in perusing at a party and we all know that they are all PINK in the middle. God, I know that sounds sexest but fuck it. My buddy Luke and I have come to that conclusion.  :D

Janus, I'm just guessing here, but I suspect you do things outside of work with that guy because you have fun doing so, because you're buds, or because you share common interests, or whatever.

In other words, the fact that he's black is completely beside the point, and not even a factor.

And that's the point.

I know, I'm off topic here, but I have to ask this simple question.
What does a person's skin color have to do with their "integrity"?
I'm tired of hearing stuff like "he's Black, you can't trust him" and other crap like that

Online MissBarbara

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Reply #8 on: August 10, 2013, 07:04:42 PM

In all honestly, I have had and do have several friends that are non-white (I hate that title).

And yet, you feel compelled to point that out in public. That, too, is the point...

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #9 on: August 10, 2013, 07:13:48 PM
I was just thinking, I have more racist friends than black friends, more homophobic than homosexual, more sexist than female and more atheist than religious. I'm probably a bigot.

Ditto on the homophobic, atheist and racist friends here. Not that any of them would ever openly insult or attack a gay, non-white or religious person unless gravely provoked, but it's there under the surface and comes up during discussions with likeminded friends. I simply never agree with them on those particular issues, but I also don't make it my mission to change them. They can only change themselves.

Offline Elizabeth

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Reply #10 on: August 10, 2013, 07:56:32 PM

In all honestly, I have had and do have several friends that are non-white (I hate that title).

And yet, you feel compelled to point that out in public. That, too, is the point...

Not me, "You" titled the topic, I didn't.
The fact that you "used" the "non white" term before I did, does not make me guilty of anything.



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Reply #11 on: August 10, 2013, 09:17:05 PM
Please tell me someone else on this board has been exposed to a statistics class besides me and listened....Here is a break down of Texas for demonstrative purposes.

                                                                          TX            US
Black or African American alone, percent, 2012 (a)   12.3%   13.1%
American Indian and Alaska Native                        1.0%            1.2%
Asian alone                                                      4.2%            5.1%
Native Hawaiian                                                0.1%          0.2%
Two or More Races                                               1.7%          2.4%
Hispanic or Latin                                                  38.2%   16.9%
White                                                                 44.5%   63.0%

White people don't have black friends, so the fuck what? Look at the numbers, there are not really enough black people for white people to make friends with. If the two %s were even close to the same this article would have relevance.

This is simply another attempt to demonstrate racism where the numbers used simply do not support the conclusion. Is there racism, of course there is, but having no black friends does not make you racist.

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Reply #12 on: August 11, 2013, 06:30:19 AM
Ditto on the homophobic, atheist and racist friends here. Not that any of them would ever openly insult or attack a gay, non-white or religious person unless gravely provoked, but it's there under the surface and comes up during discussions with likeminded friends. I simply never agree with them on those particular issues, but I also don't make it my mission to change them. They can only change themselves.

Intolerance here in Canada seems to be different from in the US. It's here but it takes a different form. I still see examples of homophobia (from all groups) and anti-Semitism (predominately from people of middle eastern backgrounds but definitely some from WASPs).

The issue of racism towards black people here in Canada takes a different form. We have a very high immigration rate here in Canada, much higher than in the US and much of our black immigration comes from Jamacia, Haiti and Somalia yet the majority of negative comments I hear about Caribbean/black immigrants comes from other immigrants from China, South Asia, to some extent even the arab countries and oddly even the black community  with comments along the lines of "Those Jamaican/Haitian/Somalian thugs make the rest of us blacks look bad". Much of this disparity may be explained by the fact that as minorities themselves they have some licence to say things that white people can't but this is the overt face of intolerance here.

While you're waiting in vain for that apology, why don't you make yourself useful by getting on your knees and opening your mouth

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Reply #13 on: August 11, 2013, 10:39:42 AM
I grew up in the suburbs.  There was just one black person in my High School.  I was raised to fear black people.  When we had to drive through Oakland we had to lock the car doors and roll up the windows, the same was true of when we drove through East Palo Alto.

My first black friends were in college when I attended San Francisco State.  My college roommate, Judy, was black and we lived together for 5 years.  We learned a lot together.  I still think of her occasionally and I am sorry we lost touch.

We had mutual friends that were both black and white.  And we often visited both.  I remember a trip to East Palo Alto where two of our friends who were cousins grew up.  It was my first visit into the home of a black family.  The visit was to Faemi's house.  Faemi's mom was a school teacher and she had traveled to Africa and had amazing clothing that had been made there.  The home was decorated with African native art and a huge Zebra skin adorned one wall.   I loved the place and everyone was friendly.  Sure East Pally is primarily black and there is both gang violence and drugs there, but this family was positive and holding it together.  All the children had Muslim names because the father had converted before the children were born.  They split up later and mom adopted a pagan African religion.  One daughter was attending a University in the UK, Faemi was studying psychology, and the son was attending Morehouse.

When we returned home Judy longed to have beautiful African clothing too, so I studied up on the subject and made her a couple of outfits.  She got lots of compliments when she wore them and when she told her black friends I made them I'm sure it blew their minds.

The point is that making friends is key.

And because of the nature of this site I will say having sex is a great way to break the ice :)


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Reply #14 on: August 11, 2013, 10:56:00 AM
WOO to Lois and WOO to interracial sex! I like how you think.

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Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant

Online MissBarbara

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Reply #15 on: August 11, 2013, 02:51:35 PM

Please tell me someone else on this board has been exposed to a statistics class besides me and listened....Here is a break down of Texas for demonstrative purposes.

                                                                          TX            US
Black or African American alone, percent, 2012 (a)   12.3%   13.1%
American Indian and Alaska Native                        1.0%            1.2%
Asian alone                                                      4.2%            5.1%
Native Hawaiian                                                0.1%          0.2%
Two or More Races                                               1.7%          2.4%
Hispanic or Latin                                                  38.2%   16.9%
White                                                                 44.5%   63.0%

White people don't have black friends, so the fuck what? Look at the numbers, there are not really enough black people for white people to make friends with. If the two %s were even close to the same this article would have relevance.

This is simply another attempt to demonstrate racism where the numbers used simply do not support the conclusion. Is there racism, of course there is, but having no black friends does not make you racist.

Good point, snowm. This logical error in the article that you point out was exactly what I found most objectionable about it.

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Online MissBarbara

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Reply #16 on: August 11, 2013, 04:26:22 PM

In all honestly, I have had and do have several friends that are non-white (I hate that title).

And yet, you feel compelled to point that out in public. That, too, is the point...

Not me, "You" titled the topic, I didn't.
The fact that you "used" the "non white" term before I did, does not make me guilty of anything.


I wasn't talking about the phrase "non-white." I hate that phrase, too. But please realize that that wasn't my phrase, but that of the author of this article. Thus, the quotation marks in the thread title.

I was referring to the fact that in one post you say race doesn't matter, and in your next post you emphasize the race of your friends. I agree that race doesn't matter. But if it really doesn't matter, why do you chose to make a point of it?

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Reply #17 on: August 11, 2013, 07:14:54 PM
Sorry, I thought it was more of a question of "do you" have any non-white friends.
The answer is of course I do, I always have, my answer was a reply to that very phrase (non-white / persons of color, or whatever you may want to call it). I certainly DO NOT introduce anyone as "This is my non-white friend". The fact is it was (my original answer) a knee jerk reaction to that very phrase.


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Reply #18 on: August 11, 2013, 11:28:31 PM
My two cents.

One of things I love about my black friends is their willingness to talk about spiritual things.

One thing I think everyone should do in their life is attend a black a funeral. The zest and zeal blacks have about their faith is awesome to watch. It is a true celebration.

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Reply #19 on: August 15, 2013, 07:27:27 PM
I'd like to see where they got the stats from. For this response, let's use blacks because of population ratio.

If you live in a big metro area, chances are a white will have a black friend. Some areas in the US have very few blacks so the chances would be low. In other areas, color and racial descent cause it's own segregation by choice or otherwise; so I imagine the number would be lower there, as well.

I am white, and have had a fair number of black friends. In the late 1950s my home town in the North East suburbs, pop. 50,000 had 1 black family. He was a town cop. They were totally accepted and integrated.

The blacks I am friends with are usually the more educated and diverse or have come from another country or less metro areas of the country. I especially like and admire the personality of the Caribbean, English and South African blacks.

I've often wondered why not so much with the average US black? I have come to believe it is because a lot of US blacks seem hateful and have an affected demeanor that I have a hard time appreciating. Kind of a racial snub like that honky. Those type of people seem to make me think of the N word, which I feel is an expression of behavior not color. Is that prejudicial? Probably, but I also believe that's human nature as man tends to be more civilized than less.   

I once worked with a black female friend (I thought). We worked together & hung out at lunch all the time and always tried to partner on job spirit activities and projects. One day she asked me to sign a reparations for slavery petition.  I decline saying that was many years past and my own parents didn't immigrate until 1945 to the US. She never talked to me again.