So, at last count, the US had closed 22 embassies, saying the move was in response to threats of an Al Qaeda plot.
Now, I'm wondering how many embassies we'd be closing if Al Qaeda hadn't been decimated and on the run (as we've been reminded so many times by President Obama and Joe "Biden his time").
I'm guessing 22. Who’s ‘on the run?’
“Al-Qaeda is on the run and Osama bin Laden is no more.” — President Obama, Oct. 5, 2012.
“We face an ongoing threat from al-Qaeda and its affiliates.” — White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, Sept. 6, 2013.
Yesterday it was U.S. embassy personnel in Yemen and any U.S. citizens who could find transport out who were on the run in the wake of an ongoing terror threat in the region and in the virtually ungoverned country of Yemen.
It was the most recent effort to get American diplomats out of harm’s way that included temporary shutdowns of 22 U.S. facilities in the Middle East and North Africa and broad warnings to Americans living in or visiting those regions to be on alert. The Obama administration disclosed Monday that the order was given after conversations were intercepted between Ayman al-Zawahri, bin Laden’s successor, and Nasir al-Wuhayshi, head of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, indicating a serious terror plot was aimed at Western interests.
Yesterday a drone strike in Yemen killed four men riding in one car all believed to be al-Qaeda members. It was the fourth U.S. drone strike in the area in the past two weeks.
Now we have no quarrel with the abundance of caution being exercised by the State Department in conjunction with the White House, nor with however many drone strikes it takes to slow down the many-headed hydra that is now the operational al-Qaeda.
Such caution, however, comes nearly a year too late to have saved U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other brave Americans slaughtered during the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the Benghazi consulate — an attack the White House tried to deny was terror related. Even today the president continues to list Benghazi among the “phony scandals” somehow invented by Republicans.
The terror threat is real today; it was real a year ago — yes, even as the president continued to be in denial. Well, the campaign is over, Osama is dead, but not his heirs and al-Qaeda is far from being on the run. When do gullible voters get an apology for being lied to?