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Pure Delight

Well Behaved Lady · 1240

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Offline Well Behaved Lady

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on: May 24, 2013, 08:51:28 AM
Pure Delight

His beast sleeps unaware
But with my gift
He will awake
I lick him slowly
How I love the taste
Watching him rise
Standing to attention
No words can explain
What that sight can do
My hidden folds tingle
My lips explore
Savouring each lap
Following the ripples
So soft the skin
Taking him all
Sucking him in
Going so deep
Feeling him throb
His crown seeps
As my senses yearn
Shall I be selfish
How I want him so
I bring him to orgasm
A pure delight


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Reply #1 on: May 24, 2013, 12:24:46 PM
Mmmmhmmmmmm, Wubbs my friend.....What a delicious way to read about the perfect awakening.

Your words are dreamy.......


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Reply #2 on: May 24, 2013, 12:50:21 PM
Beautiful, Wubble. Just beautiful.

The views expressed above are my own and not representative of the fact that, when all is said and done, I would rather be giving you an orgasm.

Offline Fish

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Reply #3 on: May 24, 2013, 03:43:40 PM
Pure Delight

His beast sleeps unaware
But with my gift
He will awake

I'm going about this as an English major, because that is what this poem demands.

I love how you started this. Wonderful that you address his conscious mind as 'his beast' rather than his bodily urges. This leads to some really interesting questions about him, as well as about the speaker (not necessarily you).

...Shall I be selfish
How I want him so
I bring him to orgasm
A pure delight

Another brilliantly thought-provoking line. If this is indeed about waking a guy up with a blowjob, then why is the speaker concerned about being selfish? Is she considering having sex instead? How on earth would that be selfish? What a great poem! This is exactly the type of deep allusions and poetic conceits that great poets employ to keep nerds like me talking for hours... and it's about a blowjob!

10/10, wonderful, fantastic, superb... I'm not out of adjectives, I'm afraid I might be getting annoying...

Don't sweat the petty stuff, pet the sweaty stuff.

Offline Well Behaved Lady

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Reply #4 on: May 24, 2013, 04:01:24 PM
Pure Delight

His beast sleeps unaware
But with my gift
He will awake

I'm going about this as an English major, because that is what this poem demands.

I love how you started this. Wonderful that you address his conscious mind as 'his beast' rather than his bodily urges. This leads to some really interesting questions about him, as well as about the speaker (not necessarily you).

...Shall I be selfish
How I want him so
I bring him to orgasm
A pure delight

Another brilliantly thought-provoking line. If this is indeed about waking a guy up with a blowjob, then why is the speaker concerned about being selfish? Is she considering having sex instead? How on earth would that be selfish? What a great poem! This is exactly the type of deep allusions and poetic conceits that great poets employ to keep nerds like me talking for hours... and it's about a blowjob!

10/10, wonderful, fantastic, superb... I'm not out of adjectives, I'm afraid I might be getting annoying...

Hehe, I want to reply with something so profound and deep but you have just made me grin from ear to ear...thank you x