Luke 14:26 in this cute little pic was taken WAY out of context. Meaning in order to be his disciple you have to be willing to lay down your life... Not literally hate your family.
So if I say "I hate someone and I want them to die", I don't really mean that. What I really mean is that I want them to be willing to die?
I spent too many years in church and Catholic school being told, "What it says in the bible does not mean *that*... it really means *this*"
Such fucking bullshit. Like the "Homosexuals should be killed" text is very specific and THE WORD OF GOD.... but the "kill a woman who is not a virgin" thing, or the "don't eat pork & shrimp" part... no... that is taken WAY out of context.
I did not intend to jack this thread and take away from the fun, also I am not Christian. I simply meant to bring to light that this is just one verse and in order to get the full picture one should read the surrounding verses.
As far as when you say that, that's your intent. When it comes to the bible, many things aren't able to be properly translated so they pick the word that fits best.
Of coarse this is just my opinion and I did not mean to offend anyone.