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Does ANYONE here want to defend Bachmann?

Gina Marie · 4089

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Reply #40 on: April 17, 2013, 03:55:30 PM
Well what do you want, for the trains to run on time, or for social equality?


hehehe.....I don't take the train and social equality is a needed thing....I still want my independence, my liberty, and for as little governmental intrusion as can be. Lord Vader wants to take those things away and "claim" that trains are on time and that we are all socially equal....Perhaps if they say it enough folks will just start to believe it and not really look into the matter...It really helps with a supportive media....Yes?

Offline Katiebee

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Reply #41 on: April 17, 2013, 05:29:41 PM
"All animals are equal.

Some are more equal than others."

"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance"

Never assume that one party or another is ensuring your freedoms. Both may talk a good game, but neither are to be trusted wholly. What one will restrict in the name of the people, the other will restrict in the name of individual rights.

When it comes down to trust based upon past actions, the Republicans have a longer history of restricting individual rights in favor if of re oligarchy, and monies interests.

The Democrats have a history of normalizing rights in groups at the expense of other groups.

In all, the Republicans are more hypocritical in that they take away individual freedoms in the name of liberty and safety.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.


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Reply #42 on: April 17, 2013, 06:04:36 PM
Both of the two main parties use propaganda to gain public favor. I find it troubling that many folks around here imply that the democrats are so pure. I will say though that it is refreshing to see  Katie at least you recognise that the Democrats are crooked too. I have seen that with Miss B also.

Pointing fingers and lying about the other party is so damn counter productive. These folks are supposed to be smart. Instead of wasting time manipulating the people, Solutions should be brought up. I think that the two main parties differ so greatly on how that should be carried out. That is very polarizing.

I am trying hard to contain my frustration. The answers seem quite simple but then someone will bring a point up that will negate my thoughts. Seems compromise takes to damn long. Folks want to pull up their boot straps but one side or the other has such a different way that they would like to proceed with the solutions. It's why I hate politics so much. Folks believe in the party almost as stringently as some folks follow their religions. It's ludicrous.

Seems some time or another common sense should trump political correctness. Sometimes being a dick gets the hard shit done. Feelings get hurt and there is some suffering but GODDAMNIT sometimes there is no gentle way to get shit done.

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #43 on: April 17, 2013, 06:51:17 PM

I sincerely thank you for your civility MissB, rare commodity these days when people can so easily hide behind their screen and spout off to total strangers.

Please don't be confused about what I wrote.

If nothing else, the whole point of 1408 is that it's a place where "people can so easily hide behind their screen and spout off to total strangers."

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

Offline Katiebee

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Reply #44 on: April 17, 2013, 07:11:50 PM
Sometimes the question revolves around whether it's better to be a pragmatist, an idealist, or just a power seeker.

Which one causes the least damage and promotes theist good.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #45 on: April 17, 2013, 07:17:59 PM
Bachmann is a dumbass, Biden is a dumbass, Palin is a dumbass, Clinton is a conniving dumbass.

Seriously? Dumbasses?

Bachmann defines batshit Christianity crazy and VP Biden does put his foot in his mouth every now and again, and I don't really want to argue the finer points of his education or his shining record of public service, however... I have to ask you - in what alternate universe does an ignorant Clinton reside?

I'm not sure if you are referring to Bill or Hillary, but what in the blinding blue fuck are you talking about?

William J Clinton attended the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., receiving a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service (B.S.) degree in 1968.

Upon graduation, he won a Rhodes Scholarship to University College, Oxford where he studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics, though because he had switched programs and had left early for Yale University, he did not receive a degree there.

After Oxford, Clinton attended Yale Law School and earned a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree in 1973.

In 1965, Hillary Rodham enrolled at Wellesley College, where she majored in political science. In 1969, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, with departmental honors in political science. She then entered Yale Law School, where she served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action. She received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale in 1973.

By the way... they both have the same degree (Juris Doctor) that our current VP and Representative Bachmann have.

In fact, Michelle Bachmann was a member of the first class of the O. W. Coburn School of Law, then a part of Oral Roberts University (ORU).

She worked as a research assistant on Eidsmoe's 1987 book Christianity and the Constitution, which argues that the United States was founded as a Christian theocracy, and should become one again (see? koo-koo, not stupid).

In 1986 Bachmann received a Juris Doctor degree from Oral Roberts University. In 1988, Bachmann received an LL.M. degree in tax law from the William & Mary School of Law.

So no stupids in this group... Batshit crazy, inappropriate and scandalous, yes... but stupid? Nope.

And all of this serves to prove that a degree is barely worth the paper it's printed on.

After all, George W. Bush has degrees from both Yale and Harvard...

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #46 on: April 17, 2013, 09:08:46 PM
Bachmann is a dumbass, Biden is a dumbass, Palin is a dumbass, Clinton is a conniving dumbass.

Seriously? Dumbasses?

Bachmann defines batshit Christianity crazy and VP Biden does put his foot in his mouth every now and again, and I don't really want to argue the finer points of his education or his shining record of public service, however... I have to ask you - in what alternate universe does an ignorant Clinton reside?

I did not say Clinton is ignorant, I said he was a dumbass. Anyone with the resources that a sitting president has at his disposal, if they are not able to get their dick sucked and not get caught then they are indeed a dumbass.


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Reply #47 on: April 17, 2013, 09:16:45 PM
 By mixing these types you equate Bachmann's statement to the same level of mis-statement as an off-the-cuff remark by the VP.

They are NOT the same.

So this thread is about the specific comments she made, not the person in general or the political party she represents? How odd, your first response indicates a different intent.

Offline Katiebee

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Reply #48 on: April 17, 2013, 09:53:51 PM
You are a passive aggressive jerk.

And you do, exactly what you decry.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.


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Reply #49 on: April 17, 2013, 10:03:47 PM
You are a passive aggressive jerk.

And you do, exactly what you decry.

OK, so much for a debate on the subject.


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Reply #50 on: April 18, 2013, 04:59:03 AM
You are a passive aggressive jerk.

And you do, exactly what you decry.

I hope this name calling makes you feel better about yourself. Anything to help out.:)

Offline Katiebee

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Reply #51 on: April 18, 2013, 06:38:02 AM
You make my point.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

Offline alistair.blankley

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Reply #52 on: April 18, 2013, 06:57:02 AM
I did not say Clinton is ignorant, I said he was a dumbass. Anyone with the resources that a sitting president has at his disposal, if they are not able to get their dick sucked and not get caught then they are indeed a dumbass.
This was already covered in another thread, when you made a similarly inaccurate, misleading statement.

Clinton was not "caught" as you suggest. His affair was discovered when the obsessed groupie Lewinski bragged about the affair to a sleazy Republican operative who was pretending to be her trustworthy friend in order to try to get dirt on the President, and this sleazy political operative passed the info along to an Independent Counsel who was on a total fishing expedition, when Clinton's personal life in the White House had sweet fuck all to do with what he was supposed to be investigating. Deceit, lack of basic honor and ethics, and vindictive opportunism on the part of Clinton's political enemies? Yeah. Dumbass? Not so much.

But, you knew that, because I told you already. So why  are you repeating the same bogus BS here?

Al B.

but when I'm bad, I'm oh, so bad...


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Reply #53 on: April 18, 2013, 04:47:26 PM
I did not say Clinton is ignorant, I said he was a dumbass. Anyone with the resources that a sitting president has at his disposal, if they are not able to get their dick sucked and not get caught then they are indeed a dumbass.
This was already covered in another thread, when you made a similarly inaccurate, misleading statement.

Clinton was not "caught" as you suggest. His affair was discovered when the obsessed groupie Lewinski bragged about the affair to a sleazy Republican operative who was pretending to be her trustworthy friend in order to try to get dirt on the President, and this sleazy political operative passed the info along to an Independent Counsel who was on a total fishing expedition, when Clinton's personal life in the White House had sweet fuck all to do with what he was supposed to be investigating. Deceit, lack of basic honor and ethics, and vindictive opportunism on the part of Clinton's political enemies? Yeah. Dumbass? Not so much.

But, you knew that, because I told you already. So why  are you repeating the same bogus BS here?

Al B.

If I chose to cheat on my wife I would not choose a young, easily manipulated underling to sleep with. Ergo, Clinton was a dumbass. Hell he chose to cheat on his wife = dumbass.  If I had all the resources at my disposal that a sitting president does and I wanted to cheat on my wife, yeah I might have someone vet my sluts first. Seems common sense to me. Lack of common sense = dumbass.

Politically he is masterful, he is really good at what he does. I just do not respect his choices and his judgement in carrying out those choices.

Offline Katiebee

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Reply #54 on: April 18, 2013, 11:57:12 PM
Yet we are still the nation many wish to live in, we still are the standard others are measured by in many things.

I'd be interested to hear what those things are.
rule of law, less corruption than in most places, religious freedom, ethnic tolerance, standard of living.

In some things it's a relative comparison, in others it's an absolute comparison. We have very high standards, though we as a society may not always live up to them.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

Offline Katiebee

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Reply #55 on: April 19, 2013, 12:33:54 AM
Well, our streets are still paved with gold, Milk and honey flow from the taps, the women are hot, the men are handsome, and everyone has multiple orgasms. What more could anyone want?

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.


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Reply #56 on: April 19, 2013, 01:42:14 AM
Well, our streets are still paved with gold, Milk and honey flow from the taps, the women are hot, the men are handsome, and everyone has multiple orgasms. What more could anyone want?
Great, the cat is out of the bag.....Now we are going to have MORE immigration issues.....LOL


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Reply #57 on: April 19, 2013, 03:39:44 AM
and no, people from Texas do not all ride horses to school...Hell my cousins from Ohio asked me if I did that, their friends asked me if we had oil wells in the back yard.

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Reply #58 on: April 19, 2013, 04:02:30 AM

Multiple orgasm will happen tomorrow. I am seeing two women tomorow, and I am trying to figure how to get them in the same shag pad at the same time??? They have not sex together yet. I am eating my vitamins, celery and fruit juice. Tomorrow mornign I will eat my wheaties.

Well, our streets are still paved with gold, Milk and honey flow from the taps, the women are hot, the men are handsome, and everyone has multiple orgasms. What more could anyone want?

Offline alistair.blankley

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Reply #59 on: April 19, 2013, 08:14:44 AM
If I chose to cheat on my wife I would not choose a young, easily manipulated underling to sleep with. Ergo, Clinton was a dumbass. Hell he chose to cheat on his wife = dumbass.  If I had all the resources at my disposal that a sitting president does and I wanted to cheat on my wife, yeah I might have someone vet my sluts first. Seems common sense to me. Lack of common sense = dumbass.

Politically he is masterful, he is really good at what he does. I just do not respect his choices and his judgement in carrying out those choices.
So the mere act of extramarital relations is enough to make him a dumbass, but you have no comment on the dishonest and unethical behavior of his political enemies to find out and exploit it for pure, base political reasons, very publicly (and very deliberately) damaging both the reputation of the sitting president and the prestige of the office over what is purely private behavior that is really nobody else's business, thereby destroying Lewinsky's life, wasting millions of dollars of taxpayer money, and causing infinitely more distraction from the business of being president than a few minutes of sex. I am no fan of Clinton, but I find what Tripp and Starr and their ilk did far, far more reprehensible and disgraceful than anything Clinton did. Not even in the same ballpark. I'm not convinced Tripp doesn't belong in jail and Starr should certainly be disbarred for malicious prosecution, abuse of office and massive squandering of public money on a political witchhunt.

Al B.

but when I'm bad, I'm oh, so bad...