I don't think either of you have it right. The below article gets to the truth of the matter in my opinion.
It is Congress's job to propose a budget that that they know Obama will sign. In absence of the President's signature they need to propose a budget that will override a Presidential veto. I don't see them doing either. Rather they are sitting around and whining that they want a budget that won't be approved and they know it. It's like being the party of "no" and holding the country hostage is all they want to be or do.
The Sequester Is Not an Abstraction
President Obama’s plea this morning to avert the $85 billion sequester before March 1 was instantly ridiculed by Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, as a “campaign event.” That’s presumably because the president spoke in front of a group of emergency responders whose livelihoods are threatened by the indiscriminate spending cuts, just as he often used middle-class Americans as backdrops on the campaign trail.
Fine, the emergency workers were props, just like the people who have filled the first lady’s box at State of the Union speeches for decades. But there’s nothing wrong with the president using federal employees as illustrations, since workers are going to bear the brunt of the sequester’s pain. He could just as easily have lined up a group of federal meat inspectors since they will be going on furlough in a few weeks, resulting in grocery shortages. Or a group of air traffic controllers. Or cancer researchers. Or Head Start teachers. Or prison guards.
All of them will be working less in the coming months if Congress does not avert the sequester, producing backups in their specific fields that will be felt by all Americans, as well as a slowdown in spending and financial activity that will have an asteroid-like impact on the economy. The president is driving Republicans a little crazy by holding these illuminated events, because they vividly undermine the basic Republican tenet that vastly reduced spending is good for society — getting government out of the face of Americans who hate it — and good for the economy.
Cancer researchers are American government, and if Republicans don’t think their work should be supported by taxpayers, they are free to make their case publicly. But they won’t do that, because the various government functions facing cuts are both necessary and popular. Instead they talk in dire but abstract terms about the debt threat, pretending there is no need to ever raise taxes, and hoping that voters won’t remember what their dollars actually pay for.
“This is not an abstraction — people will lose their jobs,” Mr. Obama said today. “The unemployment rate might tick up again.”
When Republicans threatened to put the government in default in 2011 unless the Democrats agreed to slash spending, they didn’t tell the public what that would really mean, for either regular discretionary spending or health-insurance programs like Medicaid and Medicare. They expected Mr. Obama to specify actual cuts, hoping he would then share the blame for unpopular reductions in government services. And when he came up with the deliberately onerous sequester plan in order to prevent disaster, Republicans readily agreed rather than raise taxes a dime. (Twice, actually, if you count the failure of the “super-committee” for the same reason.)
So it’s ridiculous for Republicans to claim the sequester is really Mr. Obama’s idea, as if a kidnapper’s relatives deserve blame for paying the ransom. (“The President’s Sequester,” as Speaker John Boehner now calls it.) Republicans love the idea of reducing spending but prefer to remain in the shadows when the cuts actually materialize. Even now, they won’t consider the Democratic alternative of balancing cuts with an equal amount of higher tax revenue from the rich and corporations, preferring instead diversionary rhetoric like this today from Mr. Boehner:
“To keep these first responders on the job, what other spending is the president willing to cut?”
Actually, the president has already agreed to cuts of $1.5 trillion. What, specifically, does Mr. Boehner want to cut now?