I know this will get me a lot of friends here but I support a company doing what it wants. It fires people for no reason, is unfair to workers, that is reflected in the market place by a reduction of sales or a reduction of job applicants.
A company is just that, a company, it is not a charity out to make people feel good.
If a family is having trouble paying to eat, mortgage, support kids, then perhaps life choices need to be reevaluated.
so would you then support repealing such things as child labor laws, laws against prostitution, so that these parasites can be gainfully employed?
You really need to read a few analyses of the social conditions of places like 1700's France and early 20th century czarist Russia to understand what you are advocating. Laissez faire capitalism, which is a very short distance from your apparent position is not something that can long exist with severe social upheaval.
Unfortunately it is not the 1700s so your premise doesn't apply. In this age of social media and the way news stories can go viral, companies cannot get away with what was done in the 1700s. It is a different world now. The same protections as have been needed in the past are not AS NECESSARY. Yes some protections still need to be in place to prevent the most unscrupulous from taking advantage of the worker, but it simply is not the same world now as when unions were born and desperately needed.
I am not sure what you mean by child labor laws and prostitution. Are you implying my statement about life choices is saying that women need to be hookers to make ends meet? Quite the opposite, if a family cannot pay a mortgage, sell the house and rent or move into a smaller house, give up internet, cable, iphone, take some responsibility and stop having kids.
and Barbara, oh Barbara, please do not confuse my personal beliefs on economics with my thoughts on how businesses operate. The two are separate by quite a bit. A company is out to profit plain and simple. I do not lead my life in such a fashion that I am out to get mine and fuck everyone else.