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NRA's answer: armed guards in schools

Lois · 16009

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Offline joan1984

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Reply #100 on: December 28, 2012, 11:15:52 PM
Actually, the National Enquirer is the only "newspaper" to ask some questions, and not take being dismissed, or critiqued, or ignored as the answer. Well, them and Drudge...

Not taking side nor can I stick up for others in another country than USA but what I'm getting out of what Galaxy and Tangent are saying is that your source is about as good from their side of the pond as the National Enquirer is on our side.

And Katie gets a WOO for that insight

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Offline Gina Marie

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Reply #102 on: December 31, 2012, 06:03:26 AM

Offline Poppet

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Reply #103 on: December 31, 2012, 06:24:05 AM
FAKE answer, Gia.. beneath you.     :'(


Hippety Hop, It\\\\\\\'s Pippety Pop. I have guns...and...I give instruction..

Offline seawing2

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Reply #104 on: December 31, 2012, 12:02:57 PM
NAtional Rifle Association.  Nothing wrong with owning a rifle.  (a hunting rifle). You cannot hunt with an automatic weapon. or a hand gun. neither is needed. Lets get the rules changed so the rest of the world can stop shaking their heads at the stupid Americans. (by the way, I am canadian and I am getting dizzy.)

Offline Grm

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Reply #105 on: December 31, 2012, 01:11:33 PM
FAKE answer, Gia.. beneath you.     :'(


Police could soon be issued with stink bombs to disperse rioters and hi-tech glue guns designed to trap fleeing criminals, according to a Home Office report.

Government scientists are testing a range of exotic new 'less lethal technologies' to help frontline police officers tackle offenders without using firearms.

Gadgets undergoing trials include 'sticky nets' which can entangle crooks while deliver a powerful electric shock, and low-powered lasers which cause severe pain when fired at an offender's skin, but without serious injury. 

Causing a stink: Police officers could be armed with a number of non-lethal devices such as stink bombs and pepper ball firing guns

Controversial deaths such as the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes - who was mistaken for a suicide bomber by Scotland Yard firearms officers - has left the Home Office anxious to explore new non-lethal technologies which could offer ways of stopping suspects in their tracks.

Police are already issued with batons, Taser electric stun guns and CS spray, while firearms officers can fire plastic bullets, but none are seen as an effective way to tackle a potential suicide bomber, and there are lingering concerns over the possible health effects of Tasers and CS spray on some suspects.

A report from the Home Office Scientific Development Branch reveals the variety of technologies which have been tested, including powerful 'malodorants' - or stink bombs - chemical compounds so foul-smelling that rioters will gag and be forced to run away.

The report notes that malodorants are 'unlikely to prevent a determined assailant' but could be effective for crowd control.

'Immobiliser glue' is another option, with special guns firing 'extremely tacky material' up to 30 ft and leaving a suspect helplessly stuck.

The foam, which can stick to any surface it meets, poses a serious risk of suffocation if it comes into contact with the mouth however.

Power adhesives: One of the types of glue gun that the Home Office is looking at
Scientists have also studied 'sticky nets', again fired from special guns, which tangle around a suspect and can be coated with sticky irritant chemicals, or even an electrical stun device.

One of the most promising technologies is a low powered laser or 'directed energy weapons', which can be aimed at an offender's skin, burning the outer layers and leaving them in agony, but with no permanent damage.

The report claims such lasers are one of the 'most likely' devices to control violent offenders, but are currently took expensive.

The Association of Chief Police Officers said the futuristic gadgets 'could in the future provide a capability for UK police,' but some rank-and-file officers were unconvinced.
One officer serving with Sussex Police said: 'I'd feel more like Batman than a police officer, and I'd probably have more special devices than he did on his utility belt.

'It sounds like they have just gone down to the joke shop to get their ideas. What about sneezing powder or itching powder?'
Another officer described it as 'like Buckaroo' - the family game in which players stack lassos, rifles, hats and other items on a mule until it gets overloaded and bucks the whole lot off.
The female firearms officer, who didn't want to be named, said: 'Where on earth do they get their ideas from? Have they not got enough less-lethal options already?
'They had CS spray and then they wanted us to work with pepper spray. They have Tasers and baton rounds and it will get to the stage when we are going to be like Buckaroo.'
A firearms instructor sergeant from a Midlands force said the training needed to ensure officers were competent in the use of all the gadgets was 'too much'.
He said: 'If you give people every conceivable weapon and tactical option there is, then the training need is so great they are never actually going to be on the street.'


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Reply #106 on: December 31, 2012, 01:43:32 PM
FAKE answer, Gia.. beneath you.     :'(


Police could soon be issued with stink bombs to disperse rioters and hi-tech glue guns designed to trap fleeing criminals, according to a Home Office report.

Government scientists are testing a range of exotic new 'less lethal technologies' to help frontline police officers tackle offenders without using firearms.

Gadgets undergoing trials include 'sticky nets' which can entangle crooks while deliver a powerful electric shock, and low-powered lasers which cause severe pain when fired at an offender's skin, but without serious injury. 

Causing a stink: Police officers could be armed with a number of non-lethal devices such as stink bombs and pepper ball firing guns

Controversial deaths such as the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes - who was mistaken for a suicide bomber by Scotland Yard firearms officers - has left the Home Office anxious to explore new non-lethal technologies which could offer ways of stopping suspects in their tracks.

Police are already issued with batons, Taser electric stun guns and CS spray, while firearms officers can fire plastic bullets, but none are seen as an effective way to tackle a potential suicide bomber, and there are lingering concerns over the possible health effects of Tasers and CS spray on some suspects.

A report from the Home Office Scientific Development Branch reveals the variety of technologies which have been tested, including powerful 'malodorants' - or stink bombs - chemical compounds so foul-smelling that rioters will gag and be forced to run away.

The report notes that malodorants are 'unlikely to prevent a determined assailant' but could be effective for crowd control.

'Immobiliser glue' is another option, with special guns firing 'extremely tacky material' up to 30 ft and leaving a suspect helplessly stuck.

The foam, which can stick to any surface it meets, poses a serious risk of suffocation if it comes into contact with the mouth however.

Power adhesives: One of the types of glue gun that the Home Office is looking at
Scientists have also studied 'sticky nets', again fired from special guns, which tangle around a suspect and can be coated with sticky irritant chemicals, or even an electrical stun device.

One of the most promising technologies is a low powered laser or 'directed energy weapons', which can be aimed at an offender's skin, burning the outer layers and leaving them in agony, but with no permanent damage.

The report claims such lasers are one of the 'most likely' devices to control violent offenders, but are currently took expensive.

The Association of Chief Police Officers said the futuristic gadgets 'could in the future provide a capability for UK police,' but some rank-and-file officers were unconvinced.
One officer serving with Sussex Police said: 'I'd feel more like Batman than a police officer, and I'd probably have more special devices than he did on his utility belt.

'It sounds like they have just gone down to the joke shop to get their ideas. What about sneezing powder or itching powder?'
Another officer described it as 'like Buckaroo' - the family game in which players stack lassos, rifles, hats and other items on a mule until it gets overloaded and bucks the whole lot off.
The female firearms officer, who didn't want to be named, said: 'Where on earth do they get their ideas from? Have they not got enough less-lethal options already?
'They had CS spray and then they wanted us to work with pepper spray. They have Tasers and baton rounds and it will get to the stage when we are going to be like Buckaroo.'
A firearms instructor sergeant from a Midlands force said the training needed to ensure officers were competent in the use of all the gadgets was 'too much'.
He said: 'If you give people every conceivable weapon and tactical option there is, then the training need is so great they are never actually going to be on the street.'

You were offering some sort of opinion GRM? Could you offer something in addition to copy paste?

Sticky nets and stinky bombs aren't going to do anything to prevent a person from going into a school to kill kids. An armed guard will.


Offline buddyChrist

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Reply #107 on: December 31, 2012, 03:25:05 PM
Then put up your own statistics. All I am seeing is that I am wrong, with no evidence to back it up. Showing no evidence just shows how brain-dead your statements are. Offer some proof to back your statements up.

Your assertion is intuitively absurd, hence why I used words like moron, which I usually avoid even here. I'm not bothered to look up statistics and I doubt they exist anyway. Most of the more dangerous parts of the world have little to no police presence and rampant corruption. The amount of violent crime officially recorded wouldn't be anywhere close to the reality of the situation.
You honestly think that crime statistics do not exist? I can provide links to the US Department of Justice, but then again, providing actual evidence to support claims appears to be met with NUH UH from you.
Part of me wants to get upset for the name calling when I have given a reasoned argument, and provided evidence to support my argument. Then I stop to think about the fact that your only rebuttal to my argument is name calling. This is the only place you have to go. Squeeze your eyes closed, plug your ears, and start blabbering like a child. When I see that kind of response, I know that I have beaten you in the argument.

Five syllables here,
Seven more syllables here,
Are you happy now?

Offline buddyChrist

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Reply #108 on: December 31, 2012, 05:11:03 PM
Then put up your own statistics. All I am seeing is that I am wrong, with no evidence to back it up. Showing no evidence just shows how brain-dead your statements are. Offer some proof to back your statements up.

Your assertion is intuitively absurd, hence why I used words like moron, which I usually avoid even here. I'm not bothered to look up statistics and I doubt they exist anyway. Most of the more dangerous parts of the world have little to no police presence and rampant corruption. The amount of violent crime officially recorded wouldn't be anywhere close to the reality of the situation.
You honestly think that crime statistics do not exist? I can provide links to the US Department of Justice, but then again, providing actual evidence to support claims appears to be met with NUH UH from you.
Part of me wants to get upset for the name calling when I have given a reasoned argument, and provided evidence to support my argument. Then I stop to think about the fact that your only rebuttal to my argument is name calling. This is the only place you have to go. Squeeze your eyes closed, plug your ears, and start blabbering like a child. When I see that kind of response, I know that I have beaten you in the argument.

You're the one with your fingers in your ears. I wasn't looking for an argument, just pointing out the obvious. You said the UK has the highest rate of violent crime in the world and that is as moronic a statement as I have read on these boards. I have better things to do than look up the statistics but if you don't, feel free to do so yourself. I've been in countries in Asia and Eastern Europe where there is a huge problem of corruption within the police force. Any crime that can be covered up by them will be, for the right price (including those they invent in order to extort innocent people) and they systematically turn a blind eye to organised crime. How much of that do you think is recorded in their files? Regardless, if you want to find the most violent countries you have to look to those with barely any police worth a mention, the poorest parts of the world which I can't claim to have ever visited. Again their records will not be accurate since many crimes are not recorded or even reported in such countries. Further, I would still be surprised if the statistics for all the countries in the world would show the UK to have the worst violent crime rate, even with the less accurate figures for most of the rest of the world. Also, I repeat that the Daily Mail is not an accurate source of information. I couldn't give a shit if the UK has more or less violent crime than the US. It proves nothing since the two countries are not identical apart from the single issue of gun control. Either way, it was never my claim that the US has a higher rate of violent crime and if you take a second to use your brain and actually read before you react you'd have realised that several posts ago.

You couldn't beat your way out of a wet paper bag.

You are failing to understand how this works. I found evidence to back up a statement. Instead of refuting it, you just start name calling. I tell you what, if I am ever in trouble with the law, I REALLY hope I get someone like you as the lawyer going against me.

Five syllables here,
Seven more syllables here,
Are you happy now?

Offline Lois

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Reply #109 on: December 31, 2012, 05:44:30 PM
What I don't get is folks thinking a few common sense regulations is a ban on all guns.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #110 on: December 31, 2012, 06:29:51 PM
Which "common sense regulations" do you endorse for our other inalienable rights, as detailed in the Bill of Rights? Should the President by Executive Order be able to dictate the terms of Freedom Of The Press?

Beyond not crying fire in a crowded theater, of course... do you believe in substantive limiting regulation imposed on the Right to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness, for instance?

What I don't get is folks thinking a few common sense regulations is a ban on all guns.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Gina Marie

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Offline joan1984

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Reply #112 on: January 01, 2013, 03:06:19 AM
  Just heard on radio, Newtown, CT Chief of Police now says a deputy will be assigned to each oh the County's schools, when school begins in 2013. Good to see those closest to the issue are thinking this through. Happy New Year!

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Katiebee

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Reply #113 on: January 01, 2013, 03:14:50 AM
Columbine, co had an armed guard. Very effective.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

Offline chapelsnightmare

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Reply #114 on: January 01, 2013, 03:41:51 AM
Ok not to seriously piss anyone off. But a determined individual or a group of friends will not be scared away by a cop. However we can always hope and pray that the next psycho will be a spineless dweeb. I mean its possible for a psycho to be pussy right?

It doesn't matter if they take our guns away or not, the creeps will always find ways to accomplish their goals. Knive's, crossbows, sling-shots, spears, home made explosives and etc, mankinds capacity for evil and or death is almost infinite.

Offline licksnkissez

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Reply #115 on: January 01, 2013, 03:54:31 AM
Ok not to seriously piss anyone off. But a determined individual or a group of friends will not be scared away by a cop. However we can always hope and pray that the next psycho will be a spineless dweeb. I mean its possible for a psycho to be pussy right?

It doesn't matter if they take our guns away or not, the creeps will always find ways to accomplish their goals. Knive's, crossbows, sling-shots, spears, home made explosives and etc, mankinds capacity for evil and or death is almost infinite.

Oh, please don't start the knife arguement again. I already tried that.

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Offline joan1984

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Reply #116 on: January 01, 2013, 03:55:31 AM
Columbine's guards were under instructions not to fire their weapons, to wait for SWAT.
Those rules of engagement have been changed, found deadly faulty, in studies of that shooing, which happened in the middle of the Joe Biden 1994 to 2004 useless AWB, btw.

Columbine, co had an armed guard. Very effective.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline chapelsnightmare

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Reply #117 on: January 01, 2013, 03:58:47 AM
can't we all just get along, and can't we all just hug each other. I mean for heaven's sake death or sex.....hello i choose sex, thank you very much!

Offline seawing2

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Reply #118 on: January 01, 2013, 11:23:28 AM
GUNS,  In England the police do not carry guns. The shooting stats show they have far less gun related crimes.

Offline Katiebee

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Reply #119 on: January 01, 2013, 12:11:05 PM
Columbine's guards were under instructions not to fire their weapons, to wait for SWAT.
Those rules of engagement have been changed, found deadly faulty, in studies of that shooing, which happened in the middle of the Joe Biden 1994 to 2004 useless AWB, btw.

Columbine, co had an armed guard. Very effective.
I maintain that you will NOT have effective guards. Most will not be combat ready. Most will endanger the people they are supposed to be guarding if they engage a shooter. Most won't be able to hit a target with their handgun, reliably, more than 50% of the time. Lots of rounds fired, not many hits on the intended target.

Look at the records of police firefights. Hundreds of rounds fired, and more civilian casualties. The intended targets aren't hit. This is the reason why you don't want rent-a-cops guarding schools. You also don't necessarily want real cops engaging in firefights in a school for the same reason. Most police aren't good shots, they are barely acceptable shots.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.