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NRA's answer: armed guards in schools

Lois · 16007

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Reply #160 on: January 08, 2013, 06:14:51 PM
Well, it's not an article, it's an opinion piece. And a very slanted one (and, I might add, a very poorly written one). And I recognize these are someone else's words, and not your own, but since you equated your personal views with those of this writer, I think I can safely assume that you agree with what he says here. 

Yes for the most part I agree with his comments. I also agree that there is a slant to the article. Just as there is bias in the articles that are in opposition to the one presented. I posted it because it caught my eye and it did include the bit about Russia.

Perhaps I'm being selfishly presumptuous in assuming that I am the "History Buff" you refer to. But you don't need a history buff. You need an expert at finding and analyzing statistics. And I know there's at least one board member who's an expert at that.  

You are indeed the History Buff that I had in mind. I didn't know or couldn't think of anyone better than you, to know about the Russian inference. I actually hoped that someone would pick that up.

But I am a sufficiently critical reader to note that this piece is loaded with baseless and invalid comparisons, namely:

1) Comparing Soviet Russia in the 1940s and the U.S. Today

So all these times when I have heard about History repeating itself is not accurate? I'm thinking that we are discussing Human history and not just the history of a nation.

2) Comparing the situation in the early 1780s when the Second Amendment was written and the situation in the U.S. 230 years later

So tyranny and taxation without representation no longer exists? There are a number of examples of this within our own country. Maybe they are deemed mistakes but they did happen. (remember Kent State. Ruby Ridge?) These are just instances off the top of my head. As far as taxasion goes, well a $1,000.00 toilet seat comes to mind or maybe a $500.00 hammer. We fought off the British for these reasons. Oh, they too limited the Colonialists on their guns. Unfortunately pitch forks and ax handles won't work with today's military advancement. The guns we use are like pee shooters compared with what the Government has. By the way, Yes the people I know do believe that the Government is in the business of enslaving it's people. It is just going to be done in our own best interests. Many are blind to that.
Comparing other types of violent deaths with gun deaths.

What other way would you suggest we compare? The facts are the facts. There are a lot of ways that people are killed and murdered. Many more deaths are attributed to these things. They tried prohibition of alcohol and all it did was create an underground and black market of people that still exist today. The war on drugs? Hmmmm we all know that it was lost as soon as it was declared. Now the drug companies are legally getting people hooked. Don't think for a second that it won't be increased to now include banned guns. And with the economy that is going to be further tanked by our WONDERFUL leaders those guns are going to go on sale to whomever would like to have them and not to a restricted group. Namely the sane and the responsible. There are stockpiles upon stockpiles foreseeing what we are now going to be going through. It's probably best to just leave well enough alone. You think that Mexico has a problem? How many people in law enforcement are on the take because they are getting a huge piece of the pie there?

I appreciate all that you are saying and very eloquently too. It won't make a hill of beans except by looking good on the books. Our boarders have so many holes. The Canadians, Mexicans and US can only guard so much area. Oh that's right. You don't want to have a well equipped boarder patrol or giant fences...It's all good. We will still have what we need it will just not be legal. Like cocain and heroin guns will be on the market. So let the laws take effect. We will end up supplying all kinds of people with the materials needed to wage little skirmishes. JUST LIKE MEXICO and SOUTH AMERICA. The Middle East as well. The government is breading a new way to do business and they won't be collecting the taxes on it. Hell,  maybe it IS better to enact these laws. There are millions and millions of privately held land that can be used for enjoying our sport and recreational activities. Many of those friends of land owners are friends with police dept. and military folk. If the law is passed maybe those acres will just be used for TRAINING. I'm thinking that maybe the Government and the citizens that think that all this stuff should be limited and maybe neutralized should think about these things. Especially since Law enforcement and Many members of the military are LIKE MINDED.

4) And, especially, comparing death totals, and finding some more valid than others, some better than others, some "disproving" others

Again, What other way is there to reason our arguments?

One of my most hated polemical arguments is the "X was bad, but..." argument. You hear it a lot when modern-day neo-Confederates and their Conservative and Libertarian allies discuss slavery, e.g., "Slavery was a bad thing, but..."

Look at the kings and lords of land and commerce. You don't think that the waifs were enslaved? It will be no different. You won't have a choice. If you leave one area for another you will still be subjugated to someone elses idea of how YOU should live and pay. Look at ancient Egypt and the pyramids. You know what they thought? “SLAVERY, IT GETS SHIT DONE” I am in no way advocating slavery. It is a fact of life. So all you learned folks can thank your lucky stars that there will be some BOLD people who do care about the symphony and opera. Otherwise you won't have enough money to enjoy them. Oh and the amount of learning institutions will drop off significantly. No-one will be able to afford them except the super rich. The white collar folks of today will one day be the middle class. MARK MY WORDS..... 

In this instance:

"20 dead children in Newtown is certainly a tragedy, but what about the 25 children killed by our government at Waco?"

What about them? Are you arguing that the fact that five more children died at Waco mean that we should dismiss the five fewer children who died in Newtown? Or that, killing children having become some sort of norm, we should ignore what happened in Newtown, and not take a single step -- or even have a discussion -- to insure that what happened in Newtown never happens elsewhere again?

[color=pinkThe steps I think should be taken are armed folks to protect our kids. ][/color]

Another line that jumped out at me:

"As we all know by now, since banning most firearms, the UK has become the most violent country in Europe."

Though it strains credulity, I'll accept the accuracy of that statement. But for it to be germane to this discussion, the author would have to compare statistics between the U.K. and the U.S., and not the U.K. and the rest of Europe. (Well, he'd also have to demonstrate cause and effect between banning firearms and increased violence in the U.K., which he clearly does not.)

[color=pinkThe Statistics can be skewed by either side. Which they probably are. ][/color]

One final point that you have demonstrated over and over in your many posts on this topic: you remain absolutely blinkered and monolithic in your thinking. Over and above what Farmer Miles accurately describes as your "bloodlust," you fail to realize that the majority of those who favor stricter controls on the sale and possession of firearms and ammunition do not support an outright ban. Though this author (and, I assume, you) would disagree with this, there is nothing remotely incompatible (or hypocritical) with the point of view I support:

Lets address “MY BLOODLUST” First. 

Have either of you ever killed anything? I hunt. Not just because I like to kill wild game. Though it is a fun challenge. It is primal. Just like building a fire or catching fish and cleaning them. It's natural. It is what I was taught and others like me have been taught for all of the history of mankind. It's our ability to see blood and cut the guts out of game that puts food on YOUR table. How do you think you get those wonderful cuts of beef, pork, chicken,fish,turkey,?????? Please tell me that you have the stomach to open up a critter and slice the hide off of it and take the muscle off of the bone so you can sit in a restaurant with a glass of wine and eat a wonderful meal. SOMBODY HAD TO DO THAT. I'm one of those people. So look at your next steak and say to yourself. Did a blood lusty bastard like Janus really use a knife to cut the meat off of the bones? You cut your steak but aren't thinking about the person that cut it raw off of the animal. 

Another point I'd like to make: Have either of you had to wade through a pool of blood to give CPR to a someone that was clearly dead? I have. I don't want to have to ever blow air into another human being and have blood shoot from the eye socket because he was beaten to death with a trash can. So FUCK YOU if you think my BLOODLUST is terrible. I don't have it. I just don't have any qualms about killing someone that means me harm.

* I strongly believe that much stricter controls on the sale and purchase of both firearms and ammunition must be enacted, and at the federal level, if necessary.

Believe it all you want. You are just asking for more trouble....

* I strongly believe that those who demonstrate they can responsibly purchase, own, and maintain firearms -- and demonstrate they are trained to use them properly -- must be guaranteed the right to do so.

I think that is wonderful Barbara. So leave us alone so we can pursue our own kind of happiness. There are way more law abiding gun people than not law abiding gun people.

Imagine that! An intelligent and nuanced outlook!

Yup, sure enough. Slanted to be exactly how you want it. We all do it. We always try to make the other happy with a slight edge in our own favor.

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Reply #161 on: January 08, 2013, 07:54:45 PM
Yes for the most part I agree with his comments. I also agree that there is a slant to the article. Just as there is bias in the articles that are in opposition to the one presented.

Well, since the primary purpose of this board is to express opinions, are you surprised that people would post articles, or opinion pieces, that support their arguments or points of view?

At the same time, I just double-checked, and I didn't see any "articles that are in opposition to the one presented." I did see many opinions expressed, you know, people taking the time to compose personal responses that reflect their points of view...

You are indeed the History Buff that I had in mind. I didn't know or couldn't think of anyone better than you, to know about the Russian inference. I actually hoped that someone would pick that up.

One of the chief downsides to postgraduate studies is the requirement to intensely focus one's area of concentration. I could write a 1,000-page essay on the flow of history in antebellum America, but I know virtually nothing about Soviet history.

So all these times when I have heard about History repeating itself is not accurate? I'm thinking that we are discussing Human history and not just the history of a nation.

No, we're not talking about "Human history." We're -- or at least you're -- talking about very specific historical incidents. And I stand by my assertion: comparing what happened in Russia in 1917 and what might -- and "might" in the relatively incoherent and propagandistic hypotheticals posed by this writer (which might be more accurately described as "paranoid delusions") -- happen in the U.S. in 2013, is logically and historically illegitimate.

So tyranny and taxation without representation no longer exists? There are a number of examples of this within our own country. Maybe they are deemed mistakes but they did happen. (remember Kent State. Ruby Ridge?) These are just instances off the top of my head. As far as taxasion goes, well a $1,000.00 toilet seat comes to mind or maybe a $500.00 hammer. We fought off the British for these reasons. Oh, they too limited the Colonialists on their guns. Unfortunately pitch forks and ax handles won't work with today's military advancement. The guns we use are like pee shooters compared with what the Government has. By the way, Yes the people I know do believe that the Government is in the business of enslaving it's people. It is just going to be done in our own best interests. Many are blind to that.

Janus, you're an accomplished polemicist, but you're a rotten historian. First, learn more about American history and, specifically, American colonial history, the history of our Revolutionary War, and the history of the composition of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I'm relatively well-read in American History, and I've read the writings of the Founders and Framers extensively, and I've never encountered a single one of them asserting that we fought off the British for "a $1,000.00 toilet seat or maybe a $500.00 hammer."

Comparing other types of violent deaths with gun deaths. What other way would you suggest we compare? The facts are the facts. There are a lot of ways that people are killed and murdered. Many more deaths are attributed to these things. They tried prohibition of alcohol and all it did was create an underground and black market of people that still exist today. The war on drugs? Hmmmm we all know that it was lost as soon as it was declared. Now the drug companies are legally getting people hooked. Don't think for a second that it won't be increased to now include banned guns. And with the economy that is going to be further tanked by our WONDERFUL leaders those guns are going to go on sale to whomever would like to have them and not to a restricted group. Namely the sane and the responsible.

I would suggest that you stop using baseless comparisons, like the tired arguments always rolled out by gun fanatics in response to calls for gun control, e.g., from the article you posted:

"AWR Hawkins wrote a great piece on weapons used in crimes based on FBI statistics. Looking at both 2005-2009 and 2011 crime data, more people are murdered with hammers/clubs or hands/feet than by rifles of all types. In 2011, only 323 folks were murdered with rifles of all types, of which modern sporting rifles are a tiny percentage (around 1%), while 496 were killed with blunt objects and a whopping 726 by hands/feet. If that’s not enough, 1694 were murdered with sharp implements, statistically mostly kitchen knives. So, we’d save way more lives by banning hammers, clubs, hands, feet, and kitchen knives than modern sporting rifles."

Over and above the fact that he mentions only rifles, and conveniently neglects to include handguns, statistics like this, as true as they might be (and, to add fuel to your argument here's another statistic: in 2010 many more children were killed in car accidents in only one state, Texas, than were killed with guns in the entire country), are irrelevant to this discussion. On the one hand, "hammers, clubs, hands, feet, and kitchen knives" (along with cars), were not deliberately and specifically designed to kill. On the other hand, the fact that these, and many other things (and you could add things like lightning strikes, lawnmower accidents, and choking on hot dogs to your list) do at times lead to accidental deaths does nothing to argue against calls for stricter controls -- and controls, not bans -- on the sale of firearms and ammunition.

I appreciate all that you are saying and very eloquently too. It won't make a hill of beans except by looking good on the books. Our boarders have so many holes. The Canadians, Mexicans and US can only guard so much area. Oh that's right. You don't want to have a well equipped boarder patrol or giant fences...It's all good.

A straw-man argument: I never said anything of the sort, nor do I believe anything of the sort.

Look at the kings and lords of land and commerce. You don't think that the waifs were enslaved? It will be no different. You won't have a choice. If you leave one area for another you will still be subjugated to someone elses idea of how YOU should live and pay. Look at ancient Egypt and the pyramids. You know what they thought? “SLAVERY, IT GETS SHIT DONE” I am in no way advocating slavery. It is a fact of life. So all you learned folks can thank your lucky stars that there will be some BOLD people who do care about the symphony and opera. Otherwise you won't have enough money to enjoy them. Oh and the amount of learning institutions will drop off significantly. No-one will be able to afford them except the super rich. The white collar folks of today will one day be the middle class. MARK MY WORDS..... 

Over and above the fact that this has nothing to do with gun control, it's far too ramblingly incoherent to even begin to compose a response.

Lets address “MY BLOODLUST” First. 

Have either of you ever killed anything? I hunt. Not just because I like to kill wild game. Though it is a fun challenge. It is primal. Just like building a fire or catching fish and cleaning them. It's natural. It is what I was taught and others like me have been taught for all of the history of mankind. It's our ability to see blood and cut the guts out of game that puts food on YOUR table. How do you think you get those wonderful cuts of beef, pork, chicken,fish,turkey,?????? Please tell me that you have the stomach to open up a critter and slice the hide off of it and take the muscle off of the bone so you can sit in a restaurant with a glass of wine and eat a wonderful meal. SOMBODY HAD TO DO THAT. I'm one of those people. So look at your next steak and say to yourself. Did a blood lusty bastard like Janus really use a knife to cut the meat off of the bones? You cut your steak but aren't thinking about the person that cut it raw off of the animal.

I'm not sure who else "either of you" refers to, but no, other than mosquitoes and flies, I've never killed anything. (Well, a couple of weeks ago a friend and I killed a bottle of Jameson, but I suppose that doesn't really count.)  

I've absolutely nothing against hunting. I could never do it myself, but I haven't the slightest opposition to those who chose to do this. Nor, to get back to the topic at hand, do I have the slightest opposition to those who wish -- legally and responsibly -- to purchase and own firearms and ammunition to be used for hunting.

BUT I do have something against comparing "beef, pork, chicken, fish, turkey" with human beings. I won't put words in Farmer Miles's mouth, but this is what I meant by your bloodlust (and these are all your words, posted on this board, and quoted exactly and without editing):

"She should have reloaded and finished the job."

"Dead is just as good a solution as either of those."

"I sure the hell am not sorry he is dead....For the victims to know that their tormentor can never again strike them, what better service can we offer?"

"I want to hold everyone of those babies that was hurt by this cock sucking mother fucker and if he wasn't dead I'd be honored and fucking privileged to do the fucking JOB."

Yup, sure enough. Slanted to be exactly how you want it. We all do it. We always try to make the other happy with a slight edge in our own favor.

If you consider an approach that considers many aspects of a given issue and sees merit to arguments posed by people from varying points of view to be "slanted," then you're in a sorry state, Janus. You might consider doing this yourself: shed your blinkers and biases and consider points made by those who have a different point of view than you. I think you'll be amazed at what you discover!

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

Offline licksnkissez

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Reply #162 on: January 08, 2013, 09:10:49 PM

It must have been a horribly frightening situation for that mom and her kids. I can't say that I blame her one bit for shooting the guy. Hindsight is always 20/20 but she didn't have the time to sit and ponder her situation. She did the best she could and protected her family.

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Offline Lois

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Reply #163 on: January 08, 2013, 09:56:53 PM
I've searched the 'net for other accounts of this story.  It is still fairly sketchy, so it is hard to know if the shooting was really necessary or not.

If I had been in her shoes I would have shouted out "I am armed and I have called the police."  Hopefully this is enough to have sent the man scurrying on his merry way.

Of course if the man was charging me, and I feared for my life, I would not have time to issue a warning.  In this was the case I would have had to shoot him.

I am glad the man survived.  Killing a person is a horrible thing, and this woman will not have such an event haunt her now.

I believe shooting a person should always be the last resort, and not the first one.

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #164 on: January 08, 2013, 10:54:33 PM
I think Licks, Lois, and Farmer Miles all make very germane contributions here.

Lois is right, the details are still sketchy (and I googled around for more information, too). But I think Licks limns an important middle ground here: "She did the best she could and protected her family." Within the context of what happened (presumably), Licks is right: it's easy for armchair commentators to say what she should or shouldn't have done, or to praise or condemn her in retrospect. Hypotheticals fall by the wayside when your life -- or your children's lives -- are at stake.

But I also agree with Galaxbounce. She shouldn't be lionized for what she did.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

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Reply #165 on: January 08, 2013, 11:12:36 PM
there could have been many different ways of handling this. i think the main joy is that she and her kids are ok and safe. it's good to see that crime doesn't pay and the good innocent folks did ok for a change.

a hero? only to her kids and husband for protecting herself and kids.

i agree that shooting is a last resort.

warning the intruder before hand.. i don't agree. if she had she would have given up her advantage of "the element of surprise". the intruder would have had the advantage again. and say she used a kitchen knife rather than a gun.. same thing.. by warning him she would have given him the advantage. doubt that a warning would have sent him on is way. he was taking the time to go thru the house so he wasn't a rookie. he, more than likely, would have wanted to be avoid being caught and sent back to jail... thus... get rid of the witnesses. (just another possible scenario in hind sight)


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Reply #166 on: January 09, 2013, 01:19:51 AM
San Antonio Movie Theater Shooting

SAN ANTONIO — Sheriff's officials say a man opened fire in a San Antonio movie theater parking lot, wounding one person before an officer shot him inside the theater.

Bexar (bayr) County sheriff's spokesman Louis Antu says the incident started about 9:30 p.m. Sunday when the man fired shots inside a nearby restaurant. It's not clear what led to the shooting.

Antu says the man headed toward the theater and shot a male in the lot. The age and condition of the victim wasn't immediately known, but Antu says his injuries did not appear life-threatening.

The gunman entered the theater. Antu says the man fired a shot but struck no one. An off-duty sheriff's deputy working security then shot the gunman.

The suspect was taken to a hospital and not immediately charged.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

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Reply #167 on: January 09, 2013, 07:14:02 PM
What you learn in school.....The Three "R's"...

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Reply #168 on: January 09, 2013, 10:10:58 PM

I did read it. It didn't mention anywhere that the burglar was armed or showed any intent to harm the woman or her children. It's sick that the law values material possessions ahead of human life. The fact that the guy survived is practically miraculous. She had seen him, she could have reported to the police. I'm not saying he was a nice guy and deserved to steal their things without retribution, but he did not deserve to die and it's amazing that he did not after taking 5 rounds to the face and neck.

What else should a person do when they have hidden themselves from an intruder? She hid in the attic, and an intruder makes a point to go into the attic. What is left to do for her? You take a story like this, where she made a point to avoid confrontation, and turn it into "YOU AIN"T TAKIN' MY FUCKIN' TV MUTHERFUCKER!!" I want to know what your response would have been had she not had the gun, and this guy finds them in the attic, and he does unspeakable things to them. Maybe he kills them, maybe they live, but wish they had died due to the trauma. I guess you would reason that they had it coming, huh?
I find any response of she was reckless or lucky to be asinine. Someone broke in. She hid in hopes they would take what they wanted, and then leave. Instead, the criminal tries to enter the attic where she hid. There is no more discussion. She took appropriate action. He had no right to be there. She had no idea of his intentions. He forced himself into her home. Why value this fucking waste of human life over a mother protecting her kids? You are a sorry lot if you take the criminal's side.

Five syllables here,
Seven more syllables here,
Are you happy now?

Offline Lois

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Reply #170 on: January 10, 2013, 05:01:34 AM
You should never have to use more than two rounds to stop someone. If you draw a weapon you should be ready to use lethal force, and intend to make them stop moving.

My father taught all his children two principles of self-defense.

1. First use the Ranger defense. Turn and get away.

2. Use massive overwhelming force until your opponent stops moving.

I was taught to yell fire if attacked, and run like hell. And to resist with all my might if I couldn't get away, because once taken I would be without any recourse or help.

In her postiion, she should have had better aim. A .38 isn't likely to be a man-stopper, and she shouldn't use the pistol without being able to make him go down. Another assailant might have kept coming.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

Offline Gina Marie

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Reply #171 on: January 10, 2013, 06:04:38 AM

Offline joan1984

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Reply #172 on: January 10, 2013, 11:17:08 AM
All excellent points, Katiebee. Had she had a semi-automatic with its standard, or a larger clip, this homeowner, crouching frightened with her 9 year old twins in her attic, on the phone with her husband, who was live simultaneously with a 911 operator, may have put a more efficient round, or more of them, or maybe the head just would have vanished as a threat before she emptied the only weapon she had into this criminal.

Seems she followed all your suggestions.

Attempting to 'run' from the intruder with her children.

Sought refuge in her unfinished crawl space 'attic', having not much choice after she collected the twins within the home, and attempted to evade this intruder criminal.

Her phone was her point of contact, so she knew Police were notified, hoped they were on their way. Police can be there in minutes, while she had a threat to deal with in some seconds. She had her trembling twins to protect, and "shushed" in hopes of evading the threat.

She also knew her intruder was mere feet away, heard him climbing the ladder to her refuge, and prepared to act, relaying that information to the 911 Operator.

She knew she had the right in law to use lethal force within her home with an intruder.

She had the responsibility to stop the criminal before she and her children were attacked.

She used overwhelming force, all the force she had, and neutralized the criminal. Her husband relayed each shot taken to the Police Operator in real time, urged her to fire again as the threat was still there and moving. She did the right thing.


She and her husband will or may have already secured more efficient weapons with greater stopping force, for what they must presume will be the 'next time', taking your advice to be prepared.

Hopefully she makes the purchases in advance of new laws, Obama Edicts or whatever scheme VP Joe and President Barack, Minority Leader Nancy, and Majority Leader Harry are dreaming up for next month. If not, she will need to await the court ruling overturn of the result of these liberal schemes, if done by Executive Order. We can only pray any politicians who are up for office in 2014 who support or vote for legislation are expunged.

Let us all wish the full recovery of the criminal intruder, so he may serve out his full time in prison or jail, if and when he ever comes to trial, when convicted. I suspect this will be his last home invasion or burglary, at least until her twins have grown and have their own carry licenses.

You should never have to use more than two rounds to stop someone. If you draw a weapon you should be ready to use lethal force, and intend to make them stop moving.

My father taught all his children two principles of self-defense.

1. First use the Ranger defense. Turn and get away.

2. Use massive overwhelming force until your opponent stops moving.

I was taught to yell fire if attacked, and run like hell. And to resist with all my might if I couldn't get away, because once taken I would be without any recourse or help.

In her postiion, she should have had better aim?. A .38 isn't likely to be a man-stopper, and she shouldn't use the pistol without being able to make him go down. Another assailant might have kept coming. I imagine with 10 to 20 rounds in his head? 5 out of 6 head and neck shots is a good pattern.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 11:39:58 AM by joan1984 »

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Katiebee

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Reply #173 on: January 10, 2013, 01:42:40 PM
No. You miss the point. She was in adequately trained, and executed her defense poorly.

Incompetence can get you killed just as quickly, and is the more common reason. Handguns have a single main purpose. Her saving grace was luck, not more rounds.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

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Reply #174 on: January 10, 2013, 03:01:35 PM
Poorly trained I agree. But talented.. to his favor. For her to hit him 5 out of 6 times in the head and face and he still walks away.... That's talent (lucky him)

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Reply #175 on: January 10, 2013, 03:34:13 PM
Seems to me the 5 head and neck hits did the trick, and he was no longer the threat he had been, except she will have to try to get the blood out of the hatch, hinges, and ladder and of course her nice wall to wall carpet. Here is hoping she reloaded the revolver prior to climbing down that ladder, and her children were calmed by seeing the intruder was no longer the intimidating aggressor who pursued them up into their last refuge. Sure hope the fall from the hatch did not hurt him too much.

She showed a good example, exercising restraint and not putting another 6 in him at the bottom of the attic hatch ladder, when she knew he as no longer the aggressor or threat worthy of lethal force. Her children will remember Mom did not kill the criminal.

Five out of six rounds hitting the target, while not the double tap mid forehead ideal hits, is better than most police shooters, maybe you already posted that, or another did, and especially with a revolver. Most Police now carry a semiautomatic Glock or similar pistol with non standard 'extended' clip/magazine, and carry at least two extra clips, ready for use, as they know the value of being prepared for times it may be necessary. For the 'good guy' with a gun to stop the 'bad guy' with a gun, including any inaccurate shooting. No one is trying to "shoot the gun out of his hand", and for good reason.

My guess is she will be buying many more boxes of rounds for range practice in the months to come, and that household will not be posting a "gun free zone" sign on their lawn any time soon. At over 75 cents each, her lack of training or preparedness, as you see it, cost her about $3.00 more than the forehead double tap ideal hits. If she keeps the .38, maybe want to stash a speed loader for it near the gun.

She should be heralded as a great mom, and effective protector for her twins.

Go Mom!

No. You miss the point. She was in adequately trained, and executed her defense poorly.

Incompetence can get you killed just as quickly, and is the more common reason. Handguns have a single main purpose. Her saving grace was luck, not more rounds.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 03:46:23 PM by joan1984 »

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

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Reply #176 on: January 10, 2013, 04:50:47 PM
My ex was a peace officer.  He told me that studies show that in situations where cops have to shoot they are notoriously bad shots.  Shooting at a person coming at you is not the same as shooting targets on the practice range.  Personally I think this woman demonstrated fairly good ability considering the circumstances.

I'm still not convinced the shooting was necessary though.  Not enough details yet.  But of course if the woman feared for her life she was totally justified in shooting this man.

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Reply #177 on: January 10, 2013, 05:40:02 PM
I'm still not convinced the shooting was necessary though.  Not enough details yet.  But of course if the woman feared for her life she was totally justified in shooting this man.

The guy forced his way into the house with a crowbar. The woman HAD to have feared for her life and the lives of her children. He deserved to have his ass shot off.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 05:47:07 AM by licksnkissez »

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Reply #178 on: January 10, 2013, 10:11:00 PM
I know I would have feared for mine.


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Reply #179 on: January 13, 2013, 04:46:02 AM
Quote from Miss B.

"* I strongly believe that those who demonstrate they can responsibly purchase, own, and maintain firearms -- and demonstrate they are trained to use them properly -- must be guaranteed the right to do so."

After I read this quote for like the 10th time, I realized something. Miss B., You are right. I can't argue with training. The more the better. As a fire arms instructor, I would be delighted to take someones money to thoroughly  train them in the proper use, handling, and operation of their firearm. I would also instruct them in the use of force continuum, recognition of a perpetrator, Critical thinking, and have them take a test to ensure they knew what the laws say about self defense, home defense and protection of property. I would also refer them for psychological testing to ensure the mental stability of the firearm purchaser. With that certified training, someone should be able to purchase all the extended magazines and assault style arms and semi-automatic handguns they desired. So yeah. I have to agree with more training. My psychiatrist told me that if it became a law, she would charge me $75.00 for each client. I would charge $100.00 to the client and keep $25.00 for myself. So for around $500.00 per client, I could train 25 clients at one time, for a two day seminar. Ya gotta love capitalism. 8)
