Barbra, it was feigned.
When this thread was moved to 1408 it opened the door for intense discussion. I couldn't think of any other way to slap the dog shit out of a theory that it was OK for those remarks to be placed into the open. A PM would have been adequate.....
I was trying to make a point that sometimes it is best to berate someone in private instead of for all to see. The excerpt I used was what I was getting at. Sometimes leaving things in a private form, is not only more effective but a much more appropriate way to tell someone they are displeased.
I will openly confess that when I first introduced myself to Demon in a PM, I was a little harsh. I'm grateful that she took it as was intended. I've gotten to know her a little better than most of you and she truly is an awesome person and a concerned parent.
I hope the point was made to the board, that doing what Coach did, was not how I think it should have been done. It was probably a bassackwards way to do it, but to me it was valid. In my way of thinking anyway.
1408 is for scathing commentary. Is pissing all over a thread outside of that area alright?
Coach, I have the utmost respect for you. You are an awesome guy and I like to think a good friend. I also, figured that after going through the situation with the boy's broken arm you were on fire about some poor parenting practices. I'm reassured that there truly are caring people such as yourself that look out for folks. You get mad respect from me.
Tiny Dancer, my apologies for quoting a PM you sent me. I saw that you supported what Coacheric had said and I went over the top. It was the only thing I could think to do that would have made as effective a point. I expected quite a backlash and that's what the spirit of 1408 is about. I made my point in countering what you were saying. I will assert that a PM would be more appropriate than a thread killer. I will also point out that the PM you sent me was appropriate for what we have previously discussed. I'm very glad you didn't put it out there for the whole board to see. Now that I have opened the door on that, you are free to slam my ass as you see fit. I think I know you better than that and you are a bigger person than that. If you do however, I will suck it up and take my lickings. I can't un-ring that bell. You have every right to be angry at me.
I have been wrong in a lot of things I have done and said lately. I don't know what's up with that. I'm working on it.
GRM, You are more than welcome to put my messages to you out in the open. I have to say, your last PM to me was extremely insensitive and you are no less the asshole that I am....So fuck you........Shit I don't even dislike you but sometimes I don't understand you. WTF......
I'm trying to make sense of some shit. It's not all fitting together for me right now. Seems I'm making points that others disagree with on a fairly grand scale. Maybe I'm throwing the baby out with the bathwater a little more than I should. Fuck, what a year this has been.