For some it seems to be dead but from what i see just talking about the corruption of media and people shows that its not dead. It has been ignored for far to long. Big games has for a long time been corrupt in that they seem to buy games websites. But people are calling indie and large game devs out on there bullshit. Like recently people have been calling Evolve out on its bad Day 1 130 dollar dlc bullshit. And about the indie dev starting this i all i have to say it was the straw that broke the camel.
While there was a clash between horrible people most of the time whenever there was one that came out in support of gamergate. Gamergaters called them out on there bullshit. and most of the time the people causing the most trouble is third party trolls.
The reply from MSM is really nothing new to gaming its just in the past gamers atleast had our own media to defend us. Now they have thrown us under the bus. Anytime anything remotely nice that comes from kotaku tends to be them covering there own ass. As when Neutral At the time Totalbiscuit talked with Stephan Totilo about all that was happening. And also Jason Schreier The man that wrote the article that was posted earlier. The seem to always be nice but whenever they write they just seem to want to click bait and get money. Kotaku was something i read not for journalist integrity or anything but fluff stuff. But everytime i saw that they attack me and other gamers it just infuriated me.
The thing that shocked me the most was that 4 chans maker sided with sjw's so much so that gamergate was driven off site cause people couldnt trust him or his friends to keep 4chan open and free for all people. That made me think of another thing did you read about what Wil Wheaton wants to do. He wants to remove Anonymity from online. Its rediculous. He got all up in arms cause some troll had doxxed Flecia Day. He started blaming it on gamergate and was acting like a child. It was kind of hilarious that he even said anything considering how irrelevant he is to alot of people.