WARNING: I am about to speak in generalities here... Please allow for acceptations to the rules.
If you read my posts, you know I have been surfing Tea Bagger websites.
So let me see if I have been reading this right... The tea party is about more freedom for America. Here is what I have been able to discern.
They state they want a smaller, less intrusive government.
They demand less spending.
They insist on fewer Federal employees.
It’s what they keep yammering about (in between spewing racial, anti-Islamic and homophobic slurs). They claim to stand for these things (when they aren’t busy misspelling words on highly ironic signs that call for the government to stay out of their Medicare), but I have some questions:
What about my freedom to smoke weed? They booed Ron Paul off the stage when he mentioned legalization. And if they are for freedom, why is the Prison industrial Complex so supportive of them?
The freedom for gays to serve in the military?
Nope... they're against that.
The freedom for same sex couples to enjoy marriage, and to reap the benefits/rights bestowed by society and government upon married couples?
Nope. Look at the Christ-Fil-Aholes debacle.
The freedom of a woman to control her body?
Absolutely not.
Religious freedom?
NO FUCKING WAY! Jews, Muslims and the Godless queers are the problem!
But let's stick to the concept that they simply want a smaller, less intrusive government?
I suppose they do... if the definition of "less intrusive" is jamming a wand up a rape victim’s vagina, basically raping her a second time, before she can terminate her pregnancy.
If by "less intrusive" they mean legislators coercing doctors to lie to their patients, misleading them into thinking abortion increases suicide and cancer rates (even though it does not).
If by "less intrusive" they mean singling out a large group of Americans for their sexual preference, and unequivocally denying them their rights to marriage and benefits.
Smaller government? Then why did they not make a peep when Bush was expanding the military at a clip second only to Ronald Reagan? The same goes for military spending.
Fewer federal employees?
I have some bad news, Baggers... The very troops you are always spouting your support for ARE Federal employees.
The tea party stands for more wars, which in turn, require a bigger army, and yes... more Federal soldiers.
The fact is, the "tea party" is just another mask for the fanatical religious right seeking political control.
Simply put, they are a pack of fascist fucktards hell bent on robbing targeted individuals of freedom, while hell-bent on ruling the U.S. and imposing a theocracy.
Wait... you don’t believe me?
All you have to do is read what they say about the USA being a Christian nation, that is meant to be ruled by Christian principles. It is all based on out-of-context, re-writing of the words of our founding fathers, and selective belief in passages from the King James Bible (which has been incorrectly translated, edited and re-written more times than ANYONE will ever know).
Think "Fight Club" for Fundies... Anarchy with a bible!