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Limbaugh has his finger firmly on the pulse of pop culture!

Gina Marie · 1759

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I honestly don't even know where to begin... Ooh! I know! How about the fact that the villain "Bane" was invented by DC Comics in Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1 (January 1993).... TAKE IT AWAY, RUSH LIMBAUGH!

Begin Transcript:

Have you heard this new movie, the Batman movie... what is it? The Dark Knight Lights Up... or whatever the name is. That's right, Dark Knight Rises... Lights Up, same thing. Do you know the name of the villain in this movie? Bane. The villain in The Dark Knight Rises is named Bane, B-a-n-e.  What is the name of the venture capital firm that Romney ran and around which there's now this "make-believe" controversy? Bain. The movie has been in the works for a long time.... The release date's been known, summer 2012 for a long time. Do you think that it is accidental that the name of the really vicious fire breathing four eyed whatever it is... villain in this movie is named Bane?

The Bane character in this movie was a terrorist. He's out to destroy Gotham, New York City, which is the case in every Batman movie. But instead of sounding like Romney, he sounds like an Occupy Wall Street guy, in truth. Now, there's a story in the Washington Times Communities today:  "Is Mitt Romney...Batman? -- Opponents of Mitt Romney have noticed that the name of Batman’s villain in the upcoming film The Dark Knight Rises is homonymous with the name of an investment firm that Romney founded in 1984. The childish 'aha' moment was not unpredictable. Americans have tolerated condescension remarkably well for the past four years, so we can presumably take an insult to our ability to spell -- or ability to follow a storyline, for that matter.

But, anyway, I didn't really know what the point of this story is. They're trying to point out that in Batman the good guy and the rich guy are one and the same, and that's Bruce Wayne.  And so what this gal is saying here is: Hey, instead of falling in with the evil guy being Bane, let's just say Batman is Romney.  Batman's Romney, he's the evil rich guy, he's the good rich guy, he's out to save New York. The rich guy's the good guy.  Of course the evil guy is always rich too in these Batman movies. You may think it's ridiculous, I'm just telling you this is the kind of stuff the Obama team is lining up. The kind of people who would draw this comparison are the kind of people that they are campaigning to. These are the kind of people that they are attempting to appeal to."

Offline Lois

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Reply #1 on: July 20, 2012, 11:04:38 PM

It seems that some one else was also objecting to the premiere of Batman.

James Holmes, Aurora Shooting Suspect, In Custody After Shootings In Colorado Theater

AURORA, Colo. -- A gunman wearing a gas mask and black SWAT gear hurled a gas canister inside a crowded movie theater during a midnight showing of the new Batman movie Friday and then opened fire, killing 12 people and wounding nearly 60 others in an attack so bizarre that some moviegoers at first thought they were watching Hollywood special effects.

As smoke from the canister spread, audience members watching "The Dark Knight Rises" at the suburban Denver theater saw the silhouette of a person materialize near the screen, point a gun at the crowd and begin shooting, apparently without a word.

New York City's police commissioner said he was told the gunman had painted his hair red and called himself the Joker – Batman's nemesis – but Aurora police would not confirm that.

It was one of the deadliest mass shootings in recent U.S. history.

The suspected gunman, identified as James Holmes, a 24-year-old doctoral student in neuroscience who was about to drop out of the University of Colorado-Denver, was arrested near a car behind the theater.

Authorities gave no motive for the attack. The FBI said there was no indication of ties to any terrorist groups.

"There were bullet (casings) just falling on my head. They were burning my forehead," Jennifer Seeger said, adding that the gunman, dressed like a SWAT team member, fired steadily, stopping only to reload. "Every few seconds it was just: Boom, boom, boom," she said. "He would reload and shoot and anyone who would try to leave would just get killed."

Police said 71 people in all were shot.

Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said the gunman wore a gas mask, a ballistic helmet and vest, and leg, groin and throat protectors. He said he had an AR-15 military-style, semi-automatic rifle, a shotgun and two pistols.


Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #2 on: July 20, 2012, 11:45:21 PM

It seems that some one else was also objecting to the premiere of Batman.

I've already said this once today, so I'll repeat myself verbatim:

"This is just my personal opinion, but taking advantage of a national tragedy -- and a personal tragedy for hundreds of people -- in order to score political points is so out of bounds it's almost contemptible.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

Offline Lois

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Reply #3 on: July 20, 2012, 11:49:11 PM
I agree with you Miss B.

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Reply #4 on: July 21, 2012, 12:01:24 AM
Um, my post was on topic.  Two attention whores using the Batman movie to get attention.

I am of the belief that most idiots like this shooter do this kind of stuff for the attention.  No one will ever forget him now right?  Is it contemptible to point this out?

Offline mara101

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Reply #5 on: July 21, 2012, 12:18:03 AM
Yeah who knew that in 1993 Chuck Dixon made a character just to fuck with Mitt, 20 years later.

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Reply #6 on: July 21, 2012, 01:05:11 AM
Um, my post was on topic.  Two attention whores using the Batman movie to get attention.

I am of the belief that most idiots like this shooter do this kind of stuff for the attention.  No one will ever forget him now right?  Is it contemptible to point this out?

Excuse me if I call bullshit on that. You were drawing a comparison between an asshole shock jock who unfortunately has a following of mouthbreathers who take his horrible 'entertainment' seriously and a clearly mentally unwell psychotic who committed mass murder. You were using a hugely tragic situation for your selfish political games. Just because you have a link between the original post and your post does not mean your post was justified, nor does it mean your true intentions were not obvious.

Same applies to Joan in the other thread.

Think what you like, but you really need to go fuck yourself or otherwise get laid.

I don't like Limbaugh because he will say anything to get attention.  That is what shock-jocks do and I dislike that kind of discourse intensely.  In this thread he is using the Batman movie to get the attention he craves. 

And sorry, I don't think we should all just shut up about this because it is a "national" tragedy.  I happen to think we need to examine the why, what and hows of this happening without fear of being called contemptible just because mealy-minds like yours connect dots where there are none.

I agreed with Miss B because I do not believe in using tragedies to score cheap political points.  No matter what you think, I did not attempt to do this.  If that was my goal I would have posted something like:

"Nut Job listens to Limbaugh and shoots up patrons at Batman Movie",
"Shooter may have been Tea Party Member", etc.

Did I post anything like this? No.  Any connection made to such was done in your own diseased little mind.  Shame on you.  How dare you call me contemptible when you are the one thinking such thoughts!

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Reply #7 on: July 21, 2012, 01:49:29 AM
here's the problem, soon we'll get a cry to censor movies, censor comics, censor video games, but no one will want to censor guns.

Offline Lois

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Reply #8 on: July 21, 2012, 01:53:29 AM
@ GB:

Again I will tell you to fuck off.  You are jumping to conclusions, and i object to being called out by a self-styled thought-police type.

At this point you are just grasping at straws because I did not post what you are accusing me of thinking.

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Reply #9 on: July 21, 2012, 02:13:57 AM
This is 1408, and I was in the mood to swear.  :emot_kiss:

Not to worry, I did not take it personally.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #10 on: July 21, 2012, 02:35:58 AM
Rush's point, in a humorous review of the Batman movie, was exposing the clever tie-in of the 'summer campaign' by Obama 2012 against Romney, by raising Bain (Capital) over and over in advertising, attempting to tarnish the company name, and through that effort attempt to smear Governor Romney... and the latest summer blockbuster movie, timed for release by Hollywood producers, having a arch villain named Bane, with the Obama folks trying to gain advantage via the phonetic comparison of the two names.

Actually, the Bane character's ideas seem to mirror President Obama's deeds over the past few years, and the Nation in the movie is drowning in "leftist programs" while its population suffers, and grows less than restful. Still, taking the advantage of Bane = Villain, and Bain = Romney, is good short term play for any campaign.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Lois

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Reply #11 on: July 21, 2012, 02:41:27 AM
I disagree Joan.  I think Rush just needed something new to blither on about.  So he looked at the breaking news and saw the new Batman movie was coming out.  What a great thing to hijack for his own ends!

He also absolutely realized how asinine the whole story sounded.  He just did not care.  Cheapening the political discourse is what Rush's show is all about.

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Reply #12 on: July 21, 2012, 03:11:28 AM
Lois I know you do not listen to Rush, and cannot understand why anyone would.
I tried to explain his comments regarding Bane, Bain, and Obama 2012's supporters, Hollywood, et al.

Rush maintains the Highest Ratings, and single largest audience on radio, 3 hours daily, every weekday, and weathers all manner of attacks from the Democrat media and politicians, gaining in strength each broadcast.

No problem if he is not your cup of Tea...

Actually you may enjoy Limbaugh's "Two If By Tea" selection of bottled ice teas. You can order at, and overnight shipping is free.

I disagree Joan.  I think Rush just needed something new to blither on about.  So he looked at the breaking news and saw the new Batman movie was coming out.  What a great thing to hijack for his own ends!

He also absolutely realized how asinine the whole story sounded.  He just did not care.  Cheapening the political discourse is what Rush's show is all about.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

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Reply #13 on: July 21, 2012, 03:44:47 AM
here's the problem, soon we'll get a cry to censor movies, censor comics, censor video games, but no one will want to censor guns.

But we all know guns don't kill people.......... :emot_weird:

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.

Offline Lois

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Reply #14 on: July 21, 2012, 03:57:11 AM

Rush maintains the Highest Ratings, and single largest audience on radio, 3 hours daily, every weekday, and weathers all manner of attacks from the Democrat media and politicians, gaining in strength each broadcast.

And that is just plain sad.  No wonder America is getting so dumb.

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Reply #15 on: July 21, 2012, 06:22:47 AM
When he can weather the truth, I'll listen to him.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

Offline Gina Marie

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Reply #16 on: July 21, 2012, 10:21:00 AM

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #17 on: July 22, 2012, 12:03:34 AM
Um, my post was on topic.  Two attention whores using the Batman movie to get attention.

I am of the belief that most idiots like this shooter do this kind of stuff for the attention.  No one will ever forget him now right?  Is it contemptible to point this out?

Excuse me if I call bullshit on that. You were drawing a comparison between an asshole shock jock who unfortunately has a following of mouthbreathers who take his horrible 'entertainment' seriously and a clearly mentally unwell psychotic who committed mass murder. You were using a hugely tragic situation for your selfish political games. Just because you have a link between the original post and your post does not mean your post was justified, nor does it mean your true intentions were not obvious.

Same applies to Joan in the other thread.

For the record, this is exactly what I was trying to say, to both Joan and Lois.

Looking for causes and, from them, solutions is one thing; exploiting this tragedy to score partisan points is quite another.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

Offline joan1984

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Reply #18 on: July 22, 2012, 01:02:24 AM

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.