Raining right now, but towards morning the temperature is supposed to drop and it turns to snow.
I don’t mind the cold, and actually love snow. But these days owning a travel trailer that I use in winter and don’t winterize as a result, I constantly fret about the plumbing in it bursting. I take precautions and when it dips below 30 for any length of time I run the heat in it, but that’s a pain in the ass. I’m constantly switching tanks and buying propane. The fucking winterizing is a pain too, either putting goop into the plumbing that takes months to get out or using a compressor to blow all the water out of the pipes (and I haven’t bought a compressor yet, borrowed one once from a friend who is now out of state).
We do love the trailer though. Each trip it’s sad to come home. Current plan is 3 weeks in Arizona this year.