LOL......Happy Birthday to me, (No, really thanks to everybody here, you are all really sweet and I deeply appreciate the friendship).
It's snowing like crazy here, but not as bad as NYC.
That being said, I was bored this morning so I went out a made a snowman in the field (first one in a long long time). It was a fun thing to do, so after making the snow guy I turned the horses out. Watching them circle around Mr. Snow Guy, but not getting to close, one of the girls finally got brave/curious enough to go up and check him out.......well actually she gave a nudge and Snow Guy kinda self-dectructed into several pieces. That was all it took for the girls to turn tail, buck, kick and run around like fools. A few minutes later all three were rolling on the ground/snow in what could only be described as synchronized rolling. Then up and running around again.......They do love the cold weather and the snow.
New Total Expected for NW Jersey by Friday Night 12 inches of the white stuff.
Ah......for Katie and all the rest of you Texans.......The cold here tonight is going to be between -10 and -20 degrees below zero.