Been through some ice storms in Iowa, way back in the 50s & 60s. We lived out of town about 5 miles and one storm left nearly an inch of everything...trees, power and phone lines, the road, etc. So, to keep warm we had a fire in the fireplace. Dad went to town to get water (no elec. no pump for well). While he was gone we discovered the attic was filling with smoke. The wall behind the fireplace had started smoldering. Mom drove us to a neighbor's. He took our car and I went with him to town where we could find a working phone. Just a half mile from town, on the final turn, the car went in the ditch. I ran the rest of the way and the first house I came to was a friends. Went in and called F.D. then my dad. He came streaking by in his truck and went a block before he could get stopped to pick me up. We beat the firemen home. They did get the fire out with minimal damage. Still remember that night over 50 years later.
Take care all of you who got/getting bad weather.