My only caveat/warning on massage: be careful if you're straddling her with a deep lower-back massage. I put
significant force on one woman at her lower back with the heels of my hands, and continued it for about 20 minutes. I was putting a
lot of weight & pressure into it at her request. When I finished
she couldn't move her legs, and it scared both of us. Eventually the muscle control came back, but we were both pretty freaked out about it.
You can't press as hard with your fingers and thumbs as you can with the heel of the hand. Anything you can do with fingers and thumbs is safe, and I've done it thousands of times. I'm much more cautious with the heel though.
Yep, as Gia noted, it's utterly cross-sex: we ALL love a good massage. That's why I've avoided doing guys (except once, special case for medical purposes).
edit: Have I
taken advantage of the arousal caused by massage? You're damned right I have!
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 06:37:47 AM by RopeFiend »
Remember the Golden Rule: you do me, and I\'ll do you (paraphrased)