This kind of shit is an affront to every man, woman, and man pretending to be a woman, on this board
So if someone takes a shit in public, I should just STFU
Sorry, I’m new here, so I don’t know who died and made you spokesman for every man, woman and other on this board, although I bow to your knowledge of shit. But permit me to observe that NO ONE is trying to force YOU to STFU. Rather, you are using YOUR free speech to try to force ME to STFU by deleting my work.
If his (apparent) opinions, that women are no more than cumbuckets fit for rape, torture, and humiliation, becomes the norm
Since I don’t know you, I’m not sure if you’re intentionally mischaracterizing my argument or are simply dense. When I pointed out that this site is rife with all these fantasies I was attempting to convey the idea that your moral outrage about International Women’s Day was somewhat disproportionate in comparison to these actual crimes against women, even though NONE OF THEM ARE REAL.
If he'd posted in "Forced Fantasy Talk," I would not have commented, because I don't go there.
Now that you have graciously allowed me to post in your approved location I understand that all I have to do is know in advance what parts of Kristen’s site you visit so that I can cater to your sensitivities, or those of any other member who wants me to STFU so he isn’t offended.
If, like you, I am allowed to take offense, what offends me is the dogma of Emasculism which you seem to worship and which I have very deliberately blasphemed. Oh, and your enjoyment of “diversity of … viewpoints”: As long as they’re yours. You appear to be incapable of upholding your religion through rational discussion, so like your predecessors you seek to enforce orthodoxy by forbiding contrary beliefs, using:
So while you come here for the di-fucking-versity, see if you can leave the lowlifes like me alone. We come here for the porn. Not to be lectured or censored by you.
I am delighted and encouraged to see other people here on Kristen’s Board defending free speech. I thought Political Correctness had made that a thing of the past.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 09:58:15 AM by Grm »
Short skirts are the height of feminine elegance, and feminine elegance is the highest of the Arts - Ayn Rand