This is the fun of spoken English it changes every day, new words, new meanings for words and of course new usage. The amazing thing is we usually understand each other (except if they are posts by DD.) There are whole message boards out there devoted to the proper use of English, but its just chatter because it will continue to change and long may it do so.
1. I thought it would be clear to everyone, but maybe it would be a good idea for me to point out that I wasn't intending to criticize, correct or mock anyone in particular at all. I was pointing out a pet peeve about what has increasingly become common usage, now even in news organization and mass media, and even some academic writing. Since it's right in the title of the thread, it's impossible for me to not notice, and hard for me to ignore. I didn't even look at who the OP was (perhaps I should have, but I didn't think even the OP could take what I said personally). Every single poster in the thread, by doing so, joined in the usage I'm bitching about, so I couldn't be calling any specific person out. Sorry if anyone got rubbed the wrong way. I fully realize I am blowing against the wind on this quibble, and I thought the partly-facetious nature of my comment would be clear.
2. Grm, I completely agree with your statement, and might even find myself on the other side of the argument if it was a little different, say, a situation I thought someone was seriously grammar policing someone pointlessly and insensitively. Every question looks different depending on the direction you're looking at it from. By their nature, pet peeves are usually not completely rational.
3. Thanks for that cartoon. That is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time.
4. Thanks to you and Gia and everyone for putting in the time and effort to moderate. It's not a job I would ever want, and from what I've seen so far, you do a great job.