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Dudester · 196

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Offline Dudester

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on: November 25, 2024, 11:47:08 PM
14 Counties in Eastern Oregon have voted to secede from Oregon and join Idaho. Although the Idaho legislature has signaled that they are open to the move, it has been crickets from the Oregon legislature. The US Constitution has a provision that allows the move, but both state legislatures have to agree with the move and the move has to be approved by the US Congress (US Constitution Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1). The "Greater Idaho Movement" has a chance of succeeeding, but it is a very very slim chance (almost anorexic). And now two more states have a secession movement.

Rural counties in California have a secession movement as does 95% of Illinois. The thing is, that another state has not signaled that it is willing to swallow most of California, or Illinois. As one pundit put it, it is that most of the state is being "held hostage by a minority." 40% of the population of Illinois lives in Cook County (Chicago). These secession movements have a zero percent of succeeding unless the US Constitution is amended. Amending the US Constitution is just as difficult, if not more difficult than the secession movements succeeding.

Southeast New Mexico has long pined to be part of Texas. Culturally, people in southeast New Mexico are more like Texans because of oil. It has long been rumored that Artesia has enjoyed it's success in High School football because reps from the oil companies recruit fathers of large 14 year old boys. However, when a non binding election to join Texas succeeded, the Texas state legislature was blindsided by the results and then the legislature ignored the request because Texans don't want to wade into a fight like that. Besides, there is no way in hell that New Mexico wants to lose oil rich counties.

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #1 on: November 27, 2024, 03:21:47 PM

14 Counties in Eastern Oregon have voted to secede from Oregon and join Idaho. Although the Idaho legislature has signaled that they are open to the move, it has been crickets from the Oregon legislature. The US Constitution has a provision that allows the move, but both state legislatures have to agree with the move and the move has to be approved by the US Congress (US Constitution Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1). The "Greater Idaho Movement" has a chance of succeeeding, but it is a very very slim chance (almost anorexic). And now two more states have a secession movement.

Rural counties in California have a secession movement as does 95% of Illinois. The thing is, that another state has not signaled that it is willing to swallow most of California, or Illinois. As one pundit put it, it is that most of the state is being "held hostage by a minority." 40% of the population of Illinois lives in Cook County (Chicago). These secession movements have a zero percent of succeeding unless the US Constitution is amended. Amending the US Constitution is just as difficult, if not more difficult than the secession movements succeeding.

Southeast New Mexico has long pined to be part of Texas. Culturally, people in southeast New Mexico are more like Texans because of oil. It has long been rumored that Artesia has enjoyed it's success in High School football because reps from the oil companies recruit fathers of large 14 year old boys. However, when a non binding election to join Texas succeeded, the Texas state legislature was blindsided by the results and then the legislature ignored the request because Texans don't want to wade into a fight like that. Besides, there is no way in hell that New Mexico wants to lose oil rich counties.

One line in this article made me laugh out loud: "On Election Day, seven rural counties in Illinois voted to contemplate splitting off from the state." They voted to contemplate splitting off? What does that mean?

Meanwhile, there's a lot of shaky math in the descriptions of sentiments in Illinois. It's true that Cook County, which includes Chicago, represents about 40% of the total population of Illinois. But it is far from the only Democratic country in the state. As this county-by-county map of the 2024 presidential election demonstrates, there are several additional blue counties in the state, including those surrounding Cook County, and several others elsewhere in the state. The total population of the blue counties around Chicago -- including Lake, DuPage, Will, Kane, and Kendall counties -- represent 65% of the state's population. And that total does not include the other blue counties elsewhere in the state:

Those seven rural counties in Illinois can continue to contemplate splitting off from the state. But any attempt by them to do so would be met only with laughter and eye-rolling.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

Offline Rajah Dodger

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Reply #2 on: November 28, 2024, 03:33:09 PM
Rural counties?


They forget - land doesn't vote, people do.

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