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human verification page

go4it · 3656

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Offline go4it

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on: September 26, 2015, 11:11:04 PM
I am trying to post  a story, but cant see any figure / character to verify on the verification page?

Offline RopeFiend

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Reply #1 on: September 27, 2015, 01:29:27 AM
Same thing has been asked before, check here for help:

Basically, you either have an AdBlock-style add-on running in your browser that's killing the Google reCaptcha, or some malware that's intercepting the URLs.  See my note on downloading and running ADW,
as that's the most likely to clean you up in case of a malware infection.  If it's an AdBlock, then simply disable it while you're doing a submission.  You may also have Javascript disabled, which will utterly kill the reCaptcha.

I think the archive is still using v1 of reCaptcha, which you can test here:

The v2 recaptcha has a little checkbox that says 'I'm not a robot" and then it leads you to either a text challenge or a picture challenge.  That version has had lots of issues, and it's not very friendly to non-English speakers so most of us won't use it.

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