1. Learn to step back and see the whole picture, because the pain you caused, despite it being forgiven and gotten over will be a bad regret that marks you as semi gullible.
2. Kerri is a hateful, spiteful bitch. Go get GF flowers, admit your mistake and take the punishment.
In high school, before I knocked up my gf/wife, we had broken up for a week. Her mother before the breakup had gotten into a bad car accident that broke her leg, and almost killed her. My gf asked me to be with her when she went to the hospital, but in my typical fashion I had totally forgotten, and decided to spend the afternoon fucking off with my friends. Well of course it would start an argument and fight in which she threw my letterman at me and told me to fuck off. That Wednesday I was hit on by Kerri who was a junior varsity cheerleader, only a grade below me, and I fell for her act of being soo into me. Turned out the only reason she wanted to date me was to piss off my gf who was one of the varsity cheerleaders blocking Kerri's move up to Varsity cheering. But fortunately and for the first time in my hormone enhanced libido time of my adolescence, I walked away from the bedroom at a party I was at with her, kept my pants on and left. Left my friend Jack there too, since he decided to d-bag it up and get blasted out of his mind on liquor, and weed. I did not want to take a drunk home.
Me and Gf made up, and GF got her second school suspension when Kerri started a rumor about me having a small dick. GF worked her way through Kerri's group like The Bride from Kill Bill, and kicked the everloving shit out of Kerri. Funny part of it all, was Kerri was so into looks and fashion, but ballooned her self out, married Jack, and has 3 kids, two from two different men.
3. Not every criticism is a personal attack against you. Your are a dumb meat brick. But use the criticism to better yourself so you can at least not be so much a dumb meat brick.
4. No. I was asked if I would tell my younger self to not fuck gf and knock her up. I will always say this to my dying breath, my wife and kids are the greatest thing to happen to me since my birth.
5. Not everyone who is nice to you has good intentions, and on the other side of the coin, not everyone who is mean to you is out to get you.