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Tales of the Sexy and Strange: The Lonely Hugh Mann (Scifi, MF+, Dom, Tor)

Writers Bloque · 551

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Online Writers Bloque

  • 2022 KB Erotica Writer of the Year
  • Freakishly Strange
  • ******
    • Posts: 1,437
    • Woos/Boos: +234/-4
    • Gender: Male
  • You would think anything this fun would be illegal

 The lab accident. He did not even have time to scream. Jeffery Daltone was a grad student working his way through college as his parents were poor, but he was smart and talented. So he was on the clock pushing a broom on the typical day he had no classes. But he was over taken by a blinding white light and shunted to the other side of the universe....

It was cold. He woke up with a pounding headache, and then the alarms added to his misery. He was sitting on a hard metal like floor, which was covered in a viscous, slimy fluid. When he could see again, the scene around him was what could be defined as chaotic. Armed beings were holding slug like creatures at what he guessed was weapon point, and of course he was surrounded by a diverse group of soldier like beings aiming their own weapons at him. A creature that could almost pass as human, but with quills on all of her exposed skin ran up with a weird device and as she ran it over him it tickled.



"______ _______ _______"

"I don't -"

Jeff was cut off as the female slapped something on the back of his neck, and it started to hurt like all fuck as the thing drove probes into his spine and into his brain.



"Are you injured?"

The machine did part of its work. He could now understand what everyone was saying around him.

"No. I am a little disoriented, but fine."

"Good, now for the big question: What in all of hell is a Terran doing on a Slug ship?"


He heard the term before, in all of the science fiction and games he digested growing up. But he doubted anyone on Earth would call themselves a Terran, when Earthling was just fine."

"You. An inhabitant of the primitive Sol System, which resides in KS-669, which is now the furthest known point from here. In fact there is no propulsion system that could take you home in your very short lifetime. Even jump gates and worm hole travel would still take more than your lifetime to return there."

The large heavily armed creature who looked like living metal spoke to him. It was obvious that he was in charge. But then the lady thing shouted at them.

"Isolate him now! Get the radiation pod ready!

"What is it, Medic?"

"Sir, he has been bombarded with almost every known energy in the universe. Scans say that further exposure would start a dark matter chain reaction that would destroy this sector to nothingness."

"Isolate him and get him on board the Lainester."

The pod was brought and Jeff was tossed into it. They arrested the entire crew and impounded the ship. During their transit to some destination he could not pronounce, but seemed to be like a police station, he learned some things. For starters, he is the only "Human/Terran" out this far. On top of that, he is in a sector that forbids humanoid lifeforms from entering. And to add icing and toppings to this increasingly painful shit show, it is illegal all over the universe to transport, assist, buy, sell or trade with Terrans. Not only was he contraband, but on the universal scale, Terran's are widely disliked for our violent and cruel nature.

The Medic at first was weary of approaching him more than needed, but once she realized he is not a threat, she opened up to him, little by little. Apparently all of the signals into space have told more about us than anything. It seemed like there was no way to fix his species reputation, as even the most militant crew members would avoid walking past his cell to avoid a conflict. Fun.

After a week, he woke up feeling better, and after another round of scans, he was removed from the pod to a normal cell. They tried to mimic what Terrans ate, based on out physiology, and after the first meal of raw metals and what passed as plant material, he had had enough. Which was a double edged sword for him, as much as he wanted to talk to whoever was in charge, the thing in charge really wanted to talk to him.

He was given a suit of some kind, and led to an interrogation cell.

"So, Terran, Are you willing to tell us how you came to be aboard a slug ship?

Jeff recounted his story. None of it made sense to the Captain. He understood education, and lab accident, but the concept of paying to learn and pushing a broom was lost on him. But from what he gathered from the Terran, was that there was a space time accident, pretty common for those who do not know what the fuck they are messing with, like Terrans. That accident sent him through space in the spatial Causeway, a border between time and space, that was folded for a brief second. The Terran was lucky, random chance put him on a ship, instead of inside a planet or other spatial anomaly.

Jeff also listed his complaints, and also filled in the holes in their understanding of Terrans. He taught them all he knew, and his next meal was an improvement, but far less than ideal.

The next night.....

He found himself in the sick bay again. Not for anything wrong with him, but to help the Medic understand Terran physiology. He laid in a tank of warm gel, despite floating on top. Of course he was naked, but this was far from his wildest fantasies. Medic started the scans, and between the sensations of the scans, and the fact that Medic was out of her uniform, opting to tie her cover all tops arms around her waist as she was furiously looking into deep mysteries of the Terran body.

But despite looking like a horror movie monster, she looked pretty good, she had a nice figure, with a decent set of tits, and actual hair on her head instead of spines. But while he was admiring her figure and trying to hash out his chances of scoring with her, she was becoming fidgety.

Her species would have Mammalian in their name, but a bit more animal like. The Terran was emitting pheromones. The computer said that they were sexual in nature. Was the Terran getting off on the scans? How do they even mate? All of the questions were pointing her to one course of action...

She stepped outside of her lab, and told the guards she would need more time with the prisoner. They chuckled and called it in, and soon departed as it was approved. She closed and locked the door, and shut off the internal camera's sending in a report that there would be a scan she had to do that would interfere with the monitoring. It too was passed along and approved by the ships higher ups. Once the cameras were down she dimmed the lights. Jeff watched it happen as his cock became rock hard as she stepped out of the rest of her uniform.

Naked, as he thought she was, she shyly approached the tank. Her spines and quills retracted, making her look like a human wearing brown body paint. She twitched and fidgeted at the tank, expecting him to begin the Terran mating ritual.

Jeff had a hunch. Well, more like a full on gut feeling that Medic wanted to do something naughty with him. But he too was left with the question of how to fuck a humanoid hedgehog porcupine woman. But she took the initiative.

"Do we need dirt, or mud?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't Terran's mate in the dirt?"

"Not often, unless you are into that."

"Into what?"

This lead to a quick rundown on Human Mating Habits and Rituals. He left nothing out as she took notes on her tablet like machine.

"So there is no mating season for Terrans?"

"None, Terran females have a cycle, and usually up to a week after it is when the female is most fertile, but its not like we wait for it, since it happens year round. So no, we do not have a set in stone Estrus period."

"So males are ready all the time?"


Before she could ask more questions he pulls her into the tank, and begins the courtship foreplay human mating ritual.....

(TBC for real, since I am confident this one will not violate rules or raise moral questions.)

View a list of all my stories here

To taste Heaven, one must play in Hell.