I'm re-reading one of my favourite novels, and yet again I'm wishing that the author had made a different choice of character names.
The story begins in the head office of a large bank. Two senior managers are discussing how they should deal with the young man waiting outside. One manager is stout, the other is skinny. The former is called Fleming and the latter Parr.
Only a few paragraphs later I was trying to remember which was Fleming and which was Parr. Maybe a name with one or two nice, round vowels would help to tag the stout man, and a name with crisp consonants would identify the skinny one.
Some authors choose ominous-sounding names for the bad guys, and heroic-sounding names for the good guys. Or old-fashioned names for old-fashioned people, or trendy names for trendy people. Glamour models and porn stars also have a penchant for choosing memorable names.
Today I came across a '60s model who called herself Bea Bea Chu Chu. How's that for a "Wow!" name?