Shiela for President. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
KB would be in my cabinet. Missbarbara would be the vice president. MJ my defense secretary. Staci can be head of agriculture. Toe is obviously in the justice department. Bob can be the head of the VA. Purpleshoes and Obi can be my interns... yeah, those kind of interns.
Yes, I DID have sexual relations with those men.
Can I specialise in foreign relations?
Only the big cheese at the top gets to have all the fun. The little guys get to do the grunt work.
For several years I worked as a Confidential Foreign Correspondent. Job content was reading as many newspapers and magazines as I could find, and preparing a monthly summary of developments in a dozen fields. The summary was sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, presumably to shape foreign policy. It probably ended up in a filing cabinet.