My brother and I had not talked for quite a while and after catching up on our various health issues and other things, he began asking me if I had been to the movies to see this and that, especially "Harriet", which he said was amazing. When I told him I had not heard of it, that I had not been to the movies in quite some time, I don't want to say that he was indignant. Perhaps "taken aback" is a better way of putting it. I told him that I had wanted to see "Joker" but had not yet had time to do that, even though it's been out for weeks and I had found the premise to be intriguing. He said he had seen it and liked it.
In the past few days since talking to him, I have thought about all the people I work with and talk with whose main topic of conversation is who did what in what movie and have I seen this and oh my god, you mean you've never seen this great movie or this piece of crap?
I sit here today in front of my laptop, working on my novel, and I don't feel any pressure to go anywhere and watch anything, listen to anything, read anything, thank your lucky stars. I seek out what I like. It doesn't seek me out.