That title goes to Pornhub. It says it hosts a staggering 11 petabytes of data - nearly 7,000 years of porn!
Their website ranks seventh in the world, beating out Instagram, Wilipedia and Reddit.
In 2018, Pornhub transferred 4,403 petabytes of data. In comparison, the human brain can store around 2.5 petabytes of memory.. If one gigabyte file was viewed in its entirety by one million people, that is a petabyte of transfer. If 100 million users are consuming content on Pornhub, that is 34 gigabytes worth of content per person, or 44 hours of high quality content per year, per person. About 50 minutes each week.
To break it down further, there are about 333,333,333 minutes of porn in a single petabyte.
YouTube purportedly adds about 76 petabytes of video each year. Facebook's data warehouse has around 300 petabytes in their warehouse.
Anyway you look at it, Pornhub has a lot of porn. One of Pornhub 's executives stated that "Here at Pornhub, we're accustomed to taking big loads of data" pun probably intended.