This partisan delusion: That everything wrong with the world is all the other side of the aisle's fault, is shared by both sides of the aisle.
The reality? Is that we, all have to work together, as a Race, to stop being a Mass Extinction event. You're talking about the lesser evils, which are not only specious, but speciest. In that whole entire laundry list of political problems, you didn't once even mention Pollution, so here's another reality check:
We're polluting the planet. Not just the atmosphere, but the water, the soil, the flora, and the fauna. Right now, they're talking about taxing 1 compound. Carbon Dioxide, you heard of the Carbon Footprint? Yeah, well that's 1 compound, of 1 element, which is the backbone of every molecule of Life as we know it.
What about Benzene, Ammonia, Lead, Sulpher, Mercury, Allumina, Arsenic..? Where's the tax on those? After all, if we're going to regulate pollution, then why not make money (For the government) from it?
This is a bipartisan, and non partisan problem. Nationalism? It's keeping us from working with an over-populated Asian country with a massive Coal power grid, and generations of wearing masks to the point where it's a Fashion Statement, and they had to practice literal Eugenics favoring male births because girls weren't as valuable to the state.
That's JUST China. Not counting Korea, India, and Japan. This is what your political "Reality" is ignoring. This is what it's allowingto happen, and profiting from it. Carbon taxes, trade embargoes, fuel wars, what are we going to do about China, now that we stopped ignoring them for over half a century, declare War? Send aircraft carriers, with areal tankers, so our missiles can be flown within range of the landlocked provinces, and while we're at it, do nothing about the genocides in Nepal, and Thibet.
I know, let's have an election, lose it again, then blame the other side for winning, instead of owning the fact that you let the dumbest raving lunatic come to power because the Chick's fanclub gaslit the Jew's fanclub so they wouldn't vote for her.
We suck, as a race humanity sucks. Because we care more about Money, Race, Nation, Communism vs Socialism, and political party than we do about what goes in our gas tanks, where it comes from, how much diesel it takes to get to our tanks, what comes out of the tail pipe, and what happens to the filters when we throw them away to start a new lease on a newer car.
I don't even want to compliment your 8 petty little points by going over them. They're petty, and literally missing the big picture:
^This is important, for every person, and specie that lives here. We're losing our Glaciers, our Tundra, entire categories of Habitat are being destroyed, because fuel is cheaper than energy, and we don't give a cintillafuck how everything in our cities get here. We're lazy, it's just so easy to pay Blue Apron by Credit card, and gardening is hard.
Until your parties agree to stop fighting, and tackle this problem, this Human problem as a race. Until your nations stop fighting over the imaginary lines between Us, and Them. Until people stop fighting over whether sharing all the resources among the people, or voting among the people is the right thing for the people (Without asking all the other species how they feel about being run over when they try to cross the road) the human race will continue to be the problem.
Check your Reality. While it's still here.