To all writers of adult erotica; when you started writing your own erotic stories, did things 'change' for you?
I noticed I suddenly became more discerning about the stories I read, e.g. "Nothing turns you on like something you wrote yourself." Almost as if writing diminished my enjoyment of reading. Mind you, I still read a lot, just with a different perspective than before.
Other observations:
I deeply and profoundly understand why writers become 'feedback' junkies. You put your heart and soul and hours upon hours into your work, only to receive... (sounds of crickets chirping). 10,000 reads, zero responses. But those few readers who take the time to reply, even if they have to register first?
One of the most heartfelt responses I ever received was "Thanks for helping me jack-off a big load today!" It might have been sarcastic, but hey, I'll take it!
People are sick fucks (anyone more perverted that you is sick, less perverted than you, they are 'repressed')
They will ask for weird story-lines tangents (weird for me anyway), like, 'I hope the main character makes love to a giraffe and gives birth to a human-giraffe mutant!' Great story idea, but not really where I was going...
Posting a story is like sharing a dick-pic. You are so proud of your hard, happy boner, and you put it out there for the world to see, only to wonder why people don't seem to like it as much as you do, and even worse, when they point and giggle!