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Predictable Eugenics

Sweetums · 715

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on: September 18, 2020, 03:20:53 PM
My story:

Real news:

I strive to make my stories plausible, but I want to say clearly that I have no association with ICE, and the involuntary sterilization I depict in this work of fiction does not stem from prior knowledge of the actual inner workings of ICE. Had I had real-world prior knowledge of the involuntary sterilzation it's been now proven goes on in these centers, I would have gone to the Guardian or some such, and would not be instead depicting it in guarded terms in a work of fiction.

This said, history has clearly shown what inevitably happens when a leader preaching white supremacy is leading an organization with virtually no accountability or oversight charged with extrajudicially capturing and "processing" mostly brown people, so anyone could have predicted the story I wrote here might very well look like prior knowledge as the facts began to emerge.

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Reply #1 on: September 18, 2020, 03:38:33 PM
The stories leaked about sterilization of detainees seemed  so far fetched to me. It was easy to move on to the next story thinking, "They'll find there's no truth to this and the rumors will be ended.

Now I look back on the last four years and realize the same people who ripped children away from their parents and shoved them in cages are capable of anything.

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Reply #2 on: September 19, 2020, 01:56:34 PM
It makes me angry when people argue that studying the history of the Nazi Holocaust is irrelevant for American kids. It’s not just for Jewish people, but for all people to know what regular human beings are capable of when the system has been corrupted.

By the law of cockroaches, for every one we see, there are at least ten. This would suggest 400 from the 40 known instances, but I fear it’s a lot more than that. I expect thousands, along with other predictable atrocities, once somebody has the ability to look into that corrupt organization.

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #3 on: September 19, 2020, 08:52:07 PM

It makes me angry when people argue that studying the history of the Nazi Holocaust is irrelevant for American kids. It’s not just for Jewish people, but for all people to know what regular human beings are capable of when the system has been corrupted.

By the law of cockroaches, for every one we see, there are at least ten. This would suggest 400 from the 40 known instances, but I fear it’s a lot more than that. I expect thousands, along with other predictable atrocities, once somebody has the ability to look into that corrupt organization.

I think we need to tap the brakes a bit here.

Are there really a lot of people who argue that "studying the history of the Nazi Holocaust is irrelevant for American kids"? I'd highly doubt it.

Meanwhile, American kids study the Holocaust, beginning as early as elementary school, a recent survey reveals that the overwhelming majority of American high school students (more than 80%) have a solid knowledge of the Holocaust:

Like msslave, I found the news story I read the other day about doctors performing forced hysterectomies on detainees to be "farfetched," but I am reserving judgement awaiting more information. Your linked CNN story has no additional information. Note the phrase "some fear" in the headline, and while it's likely true that "there's a shameful legacy of US officials ordering operations on people without their consent," it does not mean that this is what happened. As of now, this story is based on the allegations of exactly one person, with no additional corroboration. For a healthy skeptic like me, that's nowhere near enough information.

More to the point, the fact that this might seem "possible," or perhaps even probably," especially given the tenor of the current presidential administration, is also not enough information. You labeled it "predictable." That's your judgement. Msslave adds, "I look back on the last four years and realize the same people who ripped children away from their parents and shoved them in cages are capable of anything." I don't disagree with that as a general statement, but the fact that they're "capable" of doing this doesn't mean that they did.

There's also the simple biological fact that women are not sterilized via hysterectomies, which involves the surgical removal of the uterus. A tubal ligation, which is a simple out-patient procedure, achieves that end.

Finally, there are some who might argue that, if the stories are true and forced sterilizations are occurring, the revelation of those horrors might not best be addressed via an underage porn story featuring grown men raping young girls.

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Reply #4 on: September 20, 2020, 05:45:43 AM
MissBarbara, I hope you’re right about it not happening much or at all, of course. Too bad the story was not much to your taste. My intention in linking it was only to point out how unintentionally prophetic I’d been. I write stories for all kinds of different tastes. I would encourage you to read some of my stories in the “Sex Stories by members” section of the site and let me know what you think. Billy is probably my most evil protagonist, but I’ve written minor characters in other stories who are worse. No drama without conflict.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2020, 02:36:24 PM by Sweetums »