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Mississippi school to drop Confederate leader's name for Obama's

MissBarbara · 612

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Mississippi school to drop Confederate leader's name for Obama's

In a new twist in the debate over Confederate memorials, a predominately black public school in Jackson, Mississippi, is dropping the name of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and being renamed after former President Barack Obama. Davis Magnet IB PTA President Janelle Jefferson announced at a school board meeting this week that school stakeholders had approved the name change this month, saying that Davis "would probably not be too happy about a diverse school promoting the education of the very individuals he fought to keep enslaved being named after him." She said the school community preferred a name reflecting "a person who fully represents ideals and public stances consistent with what we want our children to believe about themselves."

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Offline Lois

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Good news morning!

My HS was named after JFK.


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Somewhere, someone is *really* pissed off right now.  They'll never rename Harriet Tubman Elementary after Donald Trump.

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Good news morning!

My HS was named after JFK.

Within a year of John Kennedy's assassination,  I think one school in every town and city was renamed after JFK.

I have no qualms renaming a school to reflect the majority racial background of a population.

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Offline hddriver1

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I could give two shits what they name the school, just provide the people who attend a good education. Although I could come up with better people than that useless sad sack to name school after. Of course bringing a country to it's knees economically speaking is no easy challenge, dividing the country even more than it was when he became president is another fantastic achievement and lets not forget going from almost broke to a multi millionaire while president is a fantastic thing.

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I could give two shits what they name the school, just provide the people who attend a good education. Although I could come up with better people than that useless sad sack to name school after. Of course bringing a country to it's knees economically speaking is no easy challenge, dividing the country even more than it was when he became president is another fantastic achievement and lets not forget going from almost broke to a multi millionaire while president is a fantastic thing.

It's not being named Trump High School.


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I could give two shits what they name the school, just provide the people who attend a good education. Although I could come up with better people than that useless sad sack to name school after. Of course bringing a country to it's knees economically speaking is no easy challenge, dividing the country even more than it was when he became president is another fantastic achievement and lets not forget going from almost broke to a multi millionaire while president is a fantastic thing.

It's not being named Trump High School.


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