My mom.
I never measured up to my sister. She didn't have to say it, it's how it always has been.
I quit college, and she says I was an embarrassment to my friends. I joined the army, that too was an embarrassment. I received an honorable discharge and that too embarrassed her, but she still to this day doesn't know why I left the army. Let's see, my fiancee cheated on me, somehow in her twisted mind she found a way to blame me. Because of that, I didn't really trust most of the guys I dated, "I'm too picky." Now, I'm seeing a girl. So, I've embarrassed her once again. "Whatever shall I tell our friends." I will give my mom a bit of credit, she has accepted her a bit in the last two months.
I can't do anything right in her eyes. I stopped trying years ago.
The funny thing is, when my sister passed away 2 years ago, I actually HOPED mom and I would become closer. Nope.
But I have got my daddy, so I'm good.