I've been using uBlock Origin on Firefox for several weeks now, and I've left AdBlock Plus installed on Chrome. About half or better of the sites that say "
YOU MUST TURN OFF ADBLOCK TO VIEW OUR SITE" don't seem to know that uBlock is eliminating their ads.
It's hit or miss, but more often hit.
Distressingly, it appears that AdBlock has caved in and is purposely allowing ads through if companies
pay for the privilege. Well, that's a shitty deal, and is a good reason to dump AdBlock (We're Cheap Whores, and We Sell Out).
See an example comparison below between the two packages.
Here's AdBlock Plus (not doing a good job any longer, though it used to)Note that I'd already blocked the ad images myself in my HOSTS file before I hit this page.Or my new toy, uBlock Origin (successfully blocking all ads)You don't need to beat me over the head to tell me that AdBlock Plus