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LOL! Germany wants Greece to repay its debt? WTF!

Lois · 717

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on: July 07, 2015, 04:53:40 PM
The Germans owed Greece lots of reparations that were never repaid, and ultimately Greece forgave the German debt.

Funny thing that. Germany never repaid any of its debt. It was all forgiven.

Seriously, if Europe wants to save the Eurozone and maintain a united Europe, it has to come up with better solutions to handle affairs like this.

Thomas Piketty: Germany Shouldn't Be Telling Greece To Repay Debt

Thomas Piketty isn’t mincing words when it comes to the Greek debt crisis.

In an interview with German newspaper Die Zeit last month (and translated recently by business analyst Gavin Schalliol), the leading French economist pummeled Germany for its hypocrisy in demanding debt repayment from Greece.

Greece on Sunday voted a resounding “no” on a bailout plan proposed by its creditors, making its continued membership in the eurozone more tenuous. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande will hold an emergency summit on Tuesday to discuss the crisis.

But Piketty, who penned the blockbuster 2013 book on income inequality Capital in the Twenty-First Century, slammed conservatives who favor the economic austerity measures Germany and France are demanding of Greece, saying they demonstrate a “shocking ignorance” of European history.

“Look at the history of national debt: Great Britain, Germany, and France were all once in the situation of today’s Greece, and in fact had been far more indebted,” Piketty said. “The first lesson that we can take from the history of government debt is that we are not facing a brand new problem.”

Germany, Piketty continued, has “no standing” to lecture other nations about debt repayment, having never paid back its own debts after both World Wars.

“However, it has frequently made other nations pay up, such as after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, when it demanded massive reparations from France and indeed received them,” Piketty said. “The French state suffered for decades under this debt. The history of public debt is full of irony. It rarely follows our ideas of order and justice.”

Piketty criticized the “infantile” moral uprightness of Germany, whose economic success upon reunification has led it to rebuke nations like Greece for being in similarly weakened financial states as Germany itself was in decades ago.

Piketty argued that the same debt relief accorded to Germany after World War II should be granted to Greece today.

“After large crises that created huge debt loads, at some point people need to look toward the future. We cannot demand that new generations must pay for decades for the mistakes of their parents,” Piketty said. “The Greeks have, without a doubt, made big mistakes. Until 2009, the government in Athens forged its books. But despite this, the younger generation of Greeks carries no more responsibility for the mistakes of its elders than the younger generation of Germans did in the 1950s and 1960s. We need to look ahead. Europe was founded on debt forgiveness and investment in the future. Not on the idea of endless penance. We need to remember this.”

Booting Greece out of the eurozone would splinter European unity and push markets to “turn on” the next struggling nation, he added. Instead, Piketty called for a conference to restructure all European debt. A committee in the European Parliament, for example, could be created to set a maximum budget deficit that would prevent debt from ballooning.

“Those who want to chase Greece out of the Eurozone today will end up on the trash heap of history,” Piketty said.

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Reply #1 on: July 07, 2015, 07:24:21 PM
Also more importantly, when do you stop?
Can Greece refuse to pay back it's loans, If so can Italy and Spain do the same thing?
The euro-union looks like it could very well fall apart in the next ten years or so.
Imagine if the US decided to refuse to pay back any of it's debt to the European Banks. What then.?
On  a personal level, I wish I could tell my Bank to "fuck off" I'm not paying my truck loan since Greece doesn't have to pay back their loans. However reality kicks in and I continue to make the loan payments to maintain good credit.
(Greece are you listening?..." Standing In Good Credit").


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Reply #2 on: July 07, 2015, 07:43:15 PM
Angela Merkle is speaking as the head of the E.U., not Germany.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Lois

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Reply #3 on: July 08, 2015, 04:14:56 PM
When the debt is too deep, and the experts say there is no way it can ever be repaid, then bankruptcy is the answer.  But as there is no such option for Greece, then debt forgiveness and reform are needed.

Five leading economists warn the German chancellor, “History will remember you for your actions this week.”
By Thomas Piketty , Jeffrey Sachs , Heiner Flassbeck , Dani Rodrik andSimon Wren-Lewis

The never-ending austerity that Europe is force-feeding the Greek people is simply not working. Now Greece has loudly said no more.

As most of the world knew it would, the financial demands made by Europe have crushed the Greek economy, led to mass unemployment, a collapse of the banking system, made the external debt crisis far worse, with the debt problem escalating to an unpayable 175 percent of GDP. The economy now lies broken with tax receipts nose-diving, output and employment depressed, and businesses starved of capital.

The humanitarian impact has been colossal—40 percent of children now live in poverty, infant mortality is sky-rocketing and youth unemployment is close to 50 percent. Corruption, tax evasion and bad accounting by previous Greek governments helped create the debt problem. The Greeks have complied with much of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s call for austerity—cut salaries, cut government spending, slashed pensions, privatized and deregulated, and raised taxes. But in recent years the series of so-called adjustment programs inflicted on the likes of Greece has served only to make a Great Depression the likes of which have been unseen in Europe since 1929-1933. The medicine prescribed by the German Finance Ministry and Brussels has bled the patient, not cured the disease.

Together we urge Chancellor Merkel and the Troika to consider a course correction, to avoid further disaster and enable Greece to remain in the eurozone. Right now, the Greek government is being asked to put a gun to its head and pull the trigger. Sadly, the bullet will not only kill off Greece’s future in Europe. The collateral damage will kill the Eurozone as a beacon of hope, democracy and prosperity, and could lead to far-reaching economic consequences across the world.

In the 1950s, Europe was founded on the forgiveness of past debts, notably Germany’s, which generated a massive contribution to post-war economic growth and peace. Today we need to restructure and reduce Greek debt, give the economy breathing room to recover, and allow Greece to pay off a reduced burden of debt over a long period of time. Now is the time for a humane rethink of the punitive and failed program of austerity of recent years and to agree to a major reduction of Greece’s debts in conjunction with much needed reforms in Greece.

To Chancellor Merkel our message is clear; we urge you to take this vital action of leadership for Greece and Germany, and also for the world. History will remember you for your actions this week. We expect and count on you to provide the bold and generous steps towards Greece that will serve Europe for generations to come.


Heiner Flassbeck, former State Secretary in the German Federal Ministry of Finance

Thomas Piketty, Professor of Economics at the Paris School of Economics

Jeffrey D. Sachs, Professor of Sustainable Development, Professor of Health Policy and Management, and Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University

Dani Rodrik, Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy, Harvard Kennedy School

Simon Wren-Lewis, Professor of Economic Policy, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford