I wouldn't give 'em a red damned cent, ESPECIALLY when the CFOs of all 3 major auto companies came to Congress (hat in hand) IN THEIR PRIVATE JETS.
Yooo hoo! Brain check! When you're begging for cash, it's best to not flaunt your PRIVATE JETS, and maybe think about taking a commercial carrier. You can go First Class.
ANY company that can afford a private jet (and the fuel, and the pilots, and the hanger space, and the maintenance guy(s), and the re-cert costs, and....) is perfectly allowed to file CHAPTER 11 Bankruptcy Protection. That's what it's there for, so that they can re-structure WITHOUT a fucking bail-out. Welcome to Amerika... socialist nation wannabe.
Frankly, if GM and Ford kick the bucket 'cos they're too stupid to do business here in the US, then they deserve it. They should have moved their manufacturing out of those locations that the Unions controlled *long* ago. From what I've read, roughly 28% of the cost of a car goes to various Union benefits (retirement, medical, etc). Huh? Any other company with sense would have busted the unions LONG ago, or pulled up stakes and headed to cheaper locales. That's nothing but Business 101.
We shouldn't have given the banks a dime, either. That set a HUGE bad precedent. I hope Bush (and friends) smoke a turd in hell for that one, along with EVER member of Congress that approved it. We handed 'em billions, and they rewarded themselves with bonuses and parties. WTF is the public doing paying for bonuses for millionaires?? Is Congress totally brain-dead, or am I missing something? They gave 'em the money with no strings attached, which was thoroughly idiotic.