National Treasure, is the way I think of Vice President, and former Director of National Intelligence, Dick Cheney. Thank God he was there when we needed a strong hand on the tiller in September 2001, and not that fraud AlGore and his leftist followers.
Adults in charge was writ large at that time, and attacks of that kind on American soil have not occurred since due to prudent and timely actions taken by patriots then. Democrat Senators lined up quickly to demand and receive Billions in national treasure, employing their friends and allies for many years in NYC and other cities, compounding the initial costs of the attack, and some Republicans joined them in boondoggle schemes to fleece the Taxpayers, and we gave it willingly, having trust in the leaders at the time.
Khalid Sheik Mohammad, the main architect of the 911 attack that killed over 3000 innocent Americans, and nationals of many other nations, is the man who on video publicly slit the throat of Daniel Pearl, having to change knives halfway thru the decapitation, then proceeded to carve up the body, cutting his arms off, then in half again, and his other limbs, and stacking the body parts like cordwood, with Daniel Pearl's head placed atop the pile.
This is the man Democrats are outraged about, because we spritzed Perrier up his nose on five occasions, to learn key information and contact names, and thwart the planned west coast airplane attacks, and other information which led eventually to the Al Queda 'messenger/courier', and from that to Osama Bin Laden's location, some time later, for who's death our current President boasts, and rightly claims credit.
Without the cooperation of the three waterboarded troglodytes, and information gathered by our contractors and military, and agency personnel, the needed achievements never could have happened.