I am saying Conservatives are not for Austerity, but we are for Growth. Reduction of many of the hairbrained things our Government spends money on, is always a Job One item, no matter the economy. The "spending" has to be curbed; that said, Growth is not a automatic result, I agree.
Free market capitalism is the method to promote growth in the economy. Chopping business tax rates, to ZERO is my preference, but at least from the current highest in the world 35% to 25%, better if people cannot swallow ZERO, then 15% or such, and not some temporary change, or one filled with specific conditions, and bureaucracy, but a dependable show of a low low business tax rate (corporate rate), coupled with elimination of the double taxation in place today on overseas business profits, so as to invite those monies for investment here. Again, without conditions and without expiration of whatever, and filling out of forms, begging, etc. Just do it. If you wish to call that Government Spending, so be it, and is the wise move, in lieu of stagnation as we have it today.
Hopefully Obamacare will be killed and it's head buried at midnight, filled with silver bullets and so forth. That does not make Health Insurance any different, or Health Care any better or worse, but gives some certainty to the markets and small businesses, so combined with low business taxes, and freedom to invest money now hoarded overseas, the growth will be exponential, employment will of course be a byproduct, and the taxes imposed on those new employees, as well as the savings from not supporting them via other Government programs will give a sharp boost to the economy.
You want consumers to spend, allow them to keep more of their earned money, reduce personal taxes, initially by extending the current Obama Tax Rate Reduction, making it permanent, as a start toward reduction of taxes for all. Passing an extension that kicks that can down the road beyond election year posturing would be a great shot in the arm for small business, who currently are looking at taxmagedden in January 2013, no matter who our President happens to be at that time.
Incentives to growth through low tax rates, and certainty for the next several years into the future so businesses can plan, and investors can decide how to spend their money is the ticket to growth. The government will gain more tax revenue from the addition of the newly employed, and stability of the economy.
It's a start.