I loved dark things. It started out with books by Stephen King, H.P. Lovecraft, you name it. Then I started watching every movie I could on dark subjects. I couldn't get enough.
But I wasn't alone. I had a best friend who was exactly like me, a tomboy named Kate Beringer. We'd been inseperable since we were five years old. Guys at school always ask if I'm "tapping that", but we're strictly friends.
But I'll admit, I can see why they'd think that. Kate had long, wavy black hair, dark brown eyes and was around 5'7" to my 6'5". But despite the fact that we're both good-looking, in shape people, we've never been.attracted to each other. I've always seen her as one of the guys as it were with her overalls and boots. Even when she sleeps over she wears her overalls, and Kate sleeps over a lot.
No, the only thing were interested in is scary stories, scary movies, scary magazines. We've read them all, seen them all, looked at them all. Nothings scares us, nothing. If someone's out of milk and it's after dark, we'll go. Most people won't, but we will.
Anyhow, we just came out of the latest scary movie, it was after midnight and was now officially Halloween. We were walking down the main street of our town and excitedly discussing the movie, especially our favorite parts. There was no one else around and the sky was pitch black.
We were coming up on the town cemetery when we noticed a heavy fog rolling in from ahead of us, it seemed to glow.
"Look!" Kate gasped, pointing behind us.
I looked. Heavy fog was coming towards us from behind. I shrugged. There was only one thing to do.
"Let's cut through the cemetery," I suggested.
Kate nodded.
We turned left into the cemetery which had street lamps so it was as lit up as the main street.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2024, 12:55:40 AM by GEMINIGUY »
"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant