I hate family drama.
I hate more the insatiable family greed.
So Sunday found me in the rented U-Haul being blocked by some less than savory family members. I had spent Saturday removing all of the items my mom and dad wanted to be safe kept. Anything of value was already given to the people my parents wanted them to be given too. These people.
I absolutely beyond hate, ABHOR them. None of them were around when we needed help, but word of a raise in dads pay, or my mom having a really epic craft show, and suddenly and miraculously every vehicle they owned needed a part, or someone did not have food or formula, etc. One time my mom and dad were short on the power bill, and asked one of them for a loan, and they laughed him off their property, but then turned around a month later with their hands out.
They tried to walk past me and walk over me to get into the truck and gate. The front door was locked tight, as was the side door. My sisters were going to pay for some renovations, so the house was empty. save for the basement where they will be sleeping with their children while the work gets done above.
They started bitching at me about being a bad whatever I was to them, that I should value family more, and that my parents owed them a lot of money.
This went on until my fuckit bucket toppled over and two new ones were needed.
I reached down, grabbed the full gas can, and withdrew my lighter.
"Any of you fuckers touch anything, and I mean anything, and I will set fire to it all and laugh as it burns to the ground."
I backed them up with the gas can to their cars, and of course they threatened the law and said they were willed things and money.
Funny. My dad did not like discussing things like that, and my mom just as soon give it all away than starting a nit picking war. There is no will. I could probate it all and no one gets anything for years.
But I wont, until I absolutely have to. My sisters need a home for my nieces and nephew.
I took a large gulp from the can. It was potable water. My dad like having a plastic gas can for water, as it is easier to fill a radiator with. My parent's neighbor laughed. She known me since I was 15.
"About time you found your balls."
I drove home with the load, when some of the idiots were in my driveway fighting with my wife and residents.
Apparently they were trying to enlist their help to get the stuff they wanted from me. My wife isn't a traitor.
I told my wife to get the book. A ledger of who owes what.
"Pay back the money for the battery, food, and rent. Then when the debt to the estate is cleared, then I will give you something of my discretion."
They did not like this. Nor did they like me with another gas can and lighter either.
Boy that trick works alot.
But this was no trick, and it was gas/oil mix for my weed eater.
I get phone calls still, and my security system goes off, and twice the police show up. You bet your sweet, sweet ass that I pressed charges and had whoever it was trespassed.
And the only thing missing from Dads workshop is the six pack of Coor's from his fridge. Cant waste beer.