On this day in 2012, I created a profile and clicked the button that made me a member of Kristen's Board.
For the most part these past 12 years have been lots of fun.
I had been a reader of the stories on the archives when one day I saw the link to this site. Poked around and lurked for awhile. Then I learned that as a member other features would open up for me.
I don't know how long it took me to start posting but I remember soon as I did a member reached out to me with some help and advice. I doubt I would have stuck around very long without that help.
KB has always been a friendly place. I've seen lots of people come and go but a strong core remains. That core group helped much when my cancer was discovered. I'm not sure where I'd have been with out your support. True, there is no cure for me, but the cancer is in check for now and I've gotten a few more years than the docs expected.
So many thanks to my wonderful KB family. I'm looking forward to our continued friendship and happy to meet new friends when they join.
Happy Anniversary to Me and sincere blessings to all of you.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2024, 02:09:27 PM by msslave »
Well trained and been made compliant....by my cat Neville