Let me get the easiest part of this out of the way-one thing that Trump does that I don't like is that he is an isolationist,
I don't believe in isolationism. With that said, something Trump excels at is wielding financial power to get other countries to dance to his tune. Proof of this is Putin now calling for peace in the Ukrainian war.
And look at this:
For the past few years, the college interns running the White House had no clue how to deter or end war and the threat of Trump stepping into the oval office has made the improbable possible. As for proof that college interns, not senile mister poopy pants, calling the shots:
Go to 31:40 for the payoff:
As for the supposed "Xenophobia", 6 in 10 Americans see immigration as a major problem. Those who don't either don't pay attention or they are so far to the left that they want the worst to happen.
https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/monmouthpoll_US_022624/https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4885895-mass-deportation-immigration-poll/https://news.gallup.com/poll/647123/sharply-americans-curb-immigration.aspxNow, let me get to the birthright citizenship issue. The 14th amendment is clear, if you are born in the US or are a naturalized citizen, you are a citizen. End of subject, period, finis. Trump will have a hard road ahead of him trying to end birthright citizenship as an executive order cannot override the US Constitution. Furthermore, the case will be tried in front of a Massachusetts judge and at the appellate level, also reviewed by judges in Massachusetts, with afore mentioned judges appointed by democrats. The case will, no doubt, be appealed to the US Supreme Court. Chief Justice John Roberts will side with the liberal judges, meaning that all it will take is one of the conservative justices to say: "Sorry Mr. Trump, the 14th amendment is clear on this."