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Hockey star Henry Boucha.has died

msslave · 288

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on: September 19, 2023, 06:57:02 PM
Minnesota hockey star Henry Boucher has died at 72. He had the makings of one of the greatest until someone hit him in the eye with the butt end of a hockey stick

Guy got a 10 day suspension but later Henry got a 1million dollar civil settlement. Small compansation for something that hurt his career.

I did have the privilege to see him play. It was a high school tournament and he was still in Jr. High. Kind of a one man team. Everybody just passed the puck to Henry and he did the rest.

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Reply #1 on: September 19, 2023, 09:56:28 PM
I have a case right now involving a fellow who was blinded by a badminton racket. The law is not very helpful on recreational use injuries or sporting activities that traditionally involve physical contact. Glad he was able to receive some compensation. The million dollars sounds like a homeowners liability policy. If the team had responsibility, it would’ve been a much larger amount.

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