This is going to be a weird question that will lead to the clarification of my concept of Unripe.
First, I have four kids, three of which are girls. My wife reads all of my stories, and asked me a long time ago: "You write about sex with minors, but with absolutely no attraction to them, how?"
My reply: "Our daughters, and as I am beginning to suspect, most girls under twelve and thirteen are absolutely disgusting with their personal hygiene."
Her: Oh.
Me: Yeah.
So Honestly, to me an unripe girl/woman is someone with poor/ or no idea how to maintain themselves. It really isn't about the body type, tits or no, hair or no, just the pureness of keeping your privates clean, or your ass clean. Because, I am taking some medicines to keep me alive that leave me open to certain infections, that having experienced them keeps me away from wanting them again. So here is my question:
At what age do girls generally start to learn the art of "down there" care? My wife taught my daughters from around seven on, but that's because of certain things they would be going through.