You pretty much described fundamentalist Islam in your list. They suppress, wage war, control and rape and beat their women, molest children in the name of Muhammed and destroy anything not of Islam. It is a lie from the pit of hell.
No. we all know about them. I primarily described the Christians Who enslaved black people and indians, the Catholic and the Protestant people, still fighting each other, killing innocent women and children, the Crusaders, and all the other "good Christians" who rape and kill in the name of god.
I also described the good Christian sect that, in the kindness of their heart, took me into their arms and taught me all about sex with both women and men, when I was 14. We prayed a lot when my mouth was not stuffed with something else, but I soon realized that they were only interested in me for the sex and especially the girls they could reach through me.
Their lies and false behavior is not far from that of yours and other “Christian” groups. You may not condone sex with children, arranged marriages, or repression, abuse, and battering of women, but you do little to stop it, and the perpetrators go free, while their victims have to live with the pain and shame. They know very well that if they go to the authorities,
their punishment will be ejection from everything they love and know. This does not come from a pamphlet, but from my talks with your victims, and I believe them a lot more than you.
So the eleventh commandment should still be. “Do not try to convert people who have never asked to be converted.”
I like missionaries in the same way as they did in Fiji. - extra-crispy with a glass of Palm wine,
But I forgive you.
Now get out and stay out before I get coarse