I was saddened to read of the passing of former Senator Bob Dole. He was 98. His service to this country was stellar.
As a young man, he fought in WW II. Serving in the Tenth Mountain Division in Italy, he was so severely wounded, he was left for dead. Dole went through three years of rehab with his hometown neighbors helping by donating what they could.
Bob Dole went on to become a senator, serving with distinction. He wasn't afraid to go against the party line when he felt it wasn't in the best interest of the country.
When I look at today's Republicans, I mourn the loss of Bob Dole even more.
I did meet him once years ago at a convention. Even though it was brief and just an awkward handshake (his right arm didn't function as a result of his war injury) I still remember his genuine warmth and kindness.