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climate change thread

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Offline joan1984

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Reply #280 on: January 11, 2020, 08:23:32 PM

Jan 08, 2020


Here is the worst waste of the year 2019!

Swedish climate policy is the worst waste of the year 2019.

At least when the Swedish people are allowed to decide. Climate policy is therefore awarded the award by the Taxpayers' Waste Ombudsman.

- The government has more than doubled the appropriations for climate policy, but despite this, emissions no longer decrease. In 2018, emissions even increased. This is why climate policy has been voted the worst waste of the year, says Johan Gustafsson, Waste Ombudsman at the Taxpayers' Association.

With over 18,000 votes, it was a new record in the number of votes for the competition's worst waste of the year and 30 percent of the votes landed on climate policy. I am now looking for Isabella Lövin (MP) to hand over the award.

Allocations to climate policy have more than doubled in recent years, while emissions have basically ceased to decrease. In the government's budget for 2020, 12.6 billion is allocated for climate policy, compared with 5.2 billion in 2014. But despite this, emissions no longer decrease. Last year, emissions increased even marginally.

Expert authorities such as the Swedish National Audit Office and the National Institute of Economic Research have condemned many of the government's major initiatives such as climate change, the support for electric cars and the solar subsidy. In January 2019, the Auditor General Helena Lindberg stated in a comment on the National Audit Office's review of the climate climate that "The climate climate's costs per kilo of reduced greenhouse gas emissions have been high". In its commentary on the government's budget in 2017 (when it was introduced), the National Institute of Economic Research writes that the program "risks becoming a costly blow in the air". Harsh criticism for coming from a state expert authority.

At the same time, almost every third environmental car sold in Sweden goes with an environmental car bonus on exports to Norway within just a year. Investing so much money on grants for electric bicycles, support for solar cells or why not climate anxiety therapy when there are other measures that have made greater use of the climate cannot be classified as anything other than waste.

- Too much tax money is wasted without benefit to those who pay. It is no less important that money has an effect when it is invested in something that is important - rather the opposite, says Johan Gustafsson.

In second place in the competition came the artists' commission's million grants for art for earthworms and third place Gothenburg's plans on a cable car across the Göta River.

Almost every day, the Waste Ombudsman observes new examples of how politicians and other power-holders are wasting our tax money. It is not just about grand government initiatives or small municipal craze. Equally serious is the inefficiency that still characterizes public operations.

Tip now about candidates for the worst waste of the year 2020! Email to the Disposal Ombudsman at

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

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Reply #281 on: August 30, 2020, 09:46:30 PM



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Reply #282 on: May 27, 2021, 04:17:10 AM
Somebody has a plan.

Actually just a resort in Korea, but wonder if it floats.

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Reply #283 on: October 07, 2021, 06:19:46 PM