Now, I could try to explain to you how much effort I have put in, to get my replies down. To avoid confrontations, and leave arguments when they start, but then I would be accused of over-explaining. Because everyone knows, that's all I ever do.
There's no win condition for me here. Even when I play the villain you have me painted as, you go back to the same talking points. Complaining that the behavior that I changed, as much as possible before the forums went dead are the reason why they're going dead, and taunting me. Quoting me, asking me direct questions, and "Not mentioning anyone by name" so I give you another reply to bitch about.
Not once addressing the issue that YOU, all of you actively discourage replies, discussion, and participation. Not just from me, "The worst offender," but every guest, and everyone who lurks here sees what happens when Anyone speaks up. If Joan speaks up, Athos is there, to call her names. If AB-2007 continues posting images in a thread with COMMENT in the title, we have the memberators there to enforce the unwritten rule that WE DO NOT COMMENT ON IMAGES.
Don't comment. Don't reply. Don't speak up. Don't answer questions. Don't be like Psi.
This example of what not to do is exactly what's happened. The lack of discussion is a direct result of this constant reminder that the worst person on these boards is the one that's most eager to discuss things.
So, nobody wants to discuss anything. They're not afraid of me, you're all afraid of seeming to be eager too discuss something. Or "Everything." Because I have an opinion on "Everything," no other topic of discussion is allowed.