Most of the younger generation seem to get their news on social media and take what it written as the truth.
Now, I have to point out some keywords, and translate what they mean, as far as a pervasive attitude that goes back generations:
"It seem that young people..." To the older generation, who remembers their older generation telling them what they learned from books, newspapers, and the radio... This is Appeal to Seniority. Basically, the idea is that I've been around long enough that I know how the world works. So, sit down kids, and let me explain this to you...
However, first consider the Source. Where did you learn this from? The schools, politicians, and journalists weren't infallible, and unbiased, without political agendas of their own, and then all of a sudden become "Politically Correct" some time in the 90s.
Then, go to your niece, nephew, or some other millennial, and ASK THEM how they feel about all this information. Streaming in through their smart phones, their hopes for the future, fears about the political climate, and what they do to cope with the possibility of a classmate showing up with 2 semi-automatics and several reloads for each.
Then, compare that with what you want to hear. We fucked this country up, for them. The generation that has to clean up our economy, pollution, poor political choices, and sift through all the lies they learned in school back when they still had to hold their hands over their hearts, and recite "One nation, under God..."
Then, tell them their social media are wrong. As if you know more about Social Media than Millennials do.
But face it, social media allowed a couple of boys in Macedonia to influence a national election by cranking out fake news for profit.
It’s fast. It’s cheap. It’s not subject to editorial review or approval. And that’s why we wade through a shit pile of posts, tweets, and comments, daily.
Yeah, we do. Some of us are better at it than others. I personally trust the Critical Thinking of people who grew up, learned to read, and write on smart phones over the Old Dogs, insisting that they don't Need to learn new tricks.
They didn't grow up in a fantasy land, where transpeople didn't exist, women couldn't run for president, and neither could a black man. They don't have our illusion, because they can't afford them, and your generation is the one that made sure of that.