Because either of you knew that before I told you.
Honestly? I didn't know the exact crime numbers for Chicago over that specific period of time, but I do know about Waco, because I live here, and worked with survivors of sexual assault, incest, gay bashing (Even heterosexuals that are Mistaken for gay) and others with various sex/gender issues.
I'm not surprised, though. What have you done, judged someone because you saw the story in the news? Signed up for Jury Duty? How many lives have you saved, how many suicidal people have you helped Live with their traumatic experiences, and go on with their lives? How many victims have you helped have a healthy sex life after they have been raped?
Did you look up those statistic for yourself, or did you get them from an article you skimmed when it popped up in your news feed? Because I've been fighting this, Rape Culture, for decades. You already judge me, but if you have the intestinal fortitude to turn that on yourself.
What have you done? Who are you helping? Have you even helped yourself? No, I didn't know that, and neither did you, until it was useful for your rhetoric. Talk is free in this country, but if you actually cared, you actually be out there, trying to help someone, or seeking help for yourself.