I’m not sure how many are considered ‘progressives’ in the 116th US Congress, but surely the ‘bright shiny new object’ AOC has garnered by far the most attention.
Lately I’ve been thinking of a Bill Mahr monologue I saw a couple years ago, where he said the left needed a few crazies like right has. The GOP has their Freedom Caucus which is a bunch of far right nutjobs with influence far outweighing their actual undereducated constituency. Mahr said we needed some ‘crazies’ on the left, and I couldn’t agree more. He speculated on a conversation between a Democrat House leader to the Republican House leader that went something like this:
I’d like to work with you on that, but I got these crazy far left liberals to deal with.
Despite what we hear from the GOP, most Democrats are centrists. The extreme views come nearly entirely from the right. The actual far left has no political power and never has. Aging hippies living in a tree in Berkley may be quaint and fun, but they do not influence policy in this country.
As far as AOC, just saw a video of her dancing in college. She was and is hot, so she’s got that going for her too. I was very amused at her responding to GOP criticism of that video, mocking the idea of women dancing as being scandalous.
And then there’s the Michigan newly minted House Rep. Lebanese American Rashida Tlaib that said, ‘Gonna impeach the motherfucker!’ Oh hell yeah!
So what do we think of the new progressives?